


  There are so many moving things in life. In the heart of my memory, what touches is like beads, countless. Now, let me choose one of the bright ones for you to listen to.

  It was last winter vacation, and our family went back to their hometown for the new year.

  One day, when we went shopping in the street, I suddenly saw a lot of people standing next to a big tree, which aroused my curiosity. I took advantage of my mother still shopping, and quickly went to find the tree, and finally found. I squeezed into the crowd, to see this scene shocked me, a woman with a little girl about 5 years old, still standing next to a piece of wood, board says: my daughter had leukemia, hope that good people can offer some love. At this time, I felt a little touched, but I heard people whispering, "it must be a lie. In this way, there are so many lies. Don't fall for it."......." I looked at the woman's eyes, as if to say: "good hearted people, please give us some money."!"

  The time is late, the time when the women were ready to go, there is a robust and strong young man walked out, he touched the little girl's head, smiled and said: "what a lovely little girl! How much disease?" he said, from his pocket out of several hundred dollars, said: "I had only so much, you take your daughter to eat some food to eat only the spirit." The woman cried and shouted, "thank you, you are so kind."." The young man moved all of us. Everyone came up with some money. My nose was sour and I gave her some money.

  At that time, that young man's move, let my heart warm, everyone to extend the hand of charity, society is much more harmonious, I will never forget this kind hearted person.







  I remember that at noon on a Wednesday, I went home with my classmates as usual. Unfortunately, when crossing the road, an oncoming bicycle to me to hit a four feet, the natural injury must not light. I gently touched my head, ah! bleeding! I sat down on the ground all of a sudden, scared at a loss. Just then, a young uncle came, he saw my badly beaten, immediately hit a taxi and sent me to Yijishan Hospital.

  Along the way, I could not sleep open eyes, and loudly shouting, the uncle kept comforting me, take care of me. To the hospital, I was pushed into the operating room, I saw more than a dozen lights of the operation of the light came to me, so I fell asleep. Unconsciously, surgery done, and I did not feel a little pain. After a while, I suddenly remembered the mother, kept shouting: "Mom, Mom!" The uncle asked my home phone number, I quickly told him, want him to call my father and mother. At this time, I feel a little hungry, the uncle know, and immediately downstairs to buy me. I soon fell asleep again.

  When I woke up, the uncle, father, mother, teacher and classmate are surrounded by me. I was so touched that the scene was so touching. I bitter my lips, trying to restrain myself from tears. But in the end, the big tears of beans or from my eyes poured out. This is a touch of tears, but also the tears of friendship!






  I remember at home, there was one thing that I was very moved.

  One morning, I got up very early, in order to write an observation diary. I saw my grandmother went out to buy things, so I slipped out of the house to catch a group of chickens, and the chicks were exhausted by me, and all stood at the door and screamed in panic.

  At this time my grandmother came back, she looked at the chicks are crazy screaming, and look tired and sweating me, she said to me: "I told you how many times, do not tease those chickens To see if they are scared of what you look like? After they will lay eggs for you to eat? "I heard my grandmother then said to her:" Nothing, I just play with them for a while. "Grandma ignored me , But a big step toward the kitchen, she brought a large spoon, scooped out from the rice bag a spoonful of rice scattered on the ground, the chickens are running over to grab food to eat. But the front of the scene stunned me, the hens to grab the rice Diao to the chicks in front of the chicks to eat, hens like porters, like a grain of rice shipped to chicks eat Chicks you fight me, grab the food to eat into the stomach, the hens can only go to eat the last leaf ... ...

  I was so touched by the scene, and I felt that the hens were so great that they were so selflessly loving their children, just as our mother loved us, they were the greatest mothers in the world.




