


  In my memory of the river, there are many things I have forgotten. But, when I think of that touching scene, can not help but shed tears.

  Remember that thing happened in the summer day, my mother took me to pay electricity. At this time, a blind grandmother also came there, she leaned on a crutch step by step toward the counter. She trembled from the body to work out a small cloth, slowly open, gently handed the staff, said: "I want to install a street lamp at the door." "Installed lights, but you." The staff know this Is a blind man. "Yes, I am, there is no need to install any street lights, but when I sit in the house, I often hear the sound of walking around the night walker, so I want to install a street lamp at the door." Staff stunned The. "Comrade, this is all my savings, you see enough!" Everything around the behavior of the grandmother was touched, and even the air seems to solidify. When the staff recovered, the blind grandmother had left on crutches. Look at the grandmother away from the figure, my eyes filled with tears.

  Although the blind grandmother can not see the natural light, but have full of sunshine. She turned this sun into a street lamp, illuminating our hearts, so that passers-by no longer dark, so that the world forever bright! How awesome it is!

  Let us like the blind old grandmother, with their own care, to light up around the heart of each lamp it!






  Time passed quickly, and some things were forgotten because of the erosion of time. Some things left indelible impression on moving...... Let me share one thing that moved me.

  I grew up sickly and weak, and my mother paid a lot of effort in order to take care of me. I remember when I was 6 years old, once, I was in kindergarten, suddenly have a fever of 38 degrees, the mother received a teacher's phone, leave immediately, take me home to the kindergarten.

  When I got home, my mother quickly gave me a fever reducing medicine and let me rest on the bed. My temperature dropped right away. But within a few hours, I had a fever again, and the temperature was 39 higher than I had just been. 7 degrees. Mother anxious, take me to go to the hospital immediately.

  Came to the hospital to see, I saw "Pediatrics" in front of a long queue, many people see a doctor, my mother anxious like ants on a hot pan - round and round, his mouth kept saying: "this is how to do ah?" finally our turn, the doctor said to his mother: "you give me after diagnosis son have acute pneumonia, drip to need to play more than four days." After the doctor finished the medication, my mother immediately took me to the first floor of the transfusion room injection. See that sharp needles, I began to cry, she patiently comforted me and said: "Gon Freecss, don't cry, shot, mom to buy toys for you!" heard "toys" two words, I will not cry. After playing the needle, my mother bought me a toy and then took me home.

  After returning home, my mother was busy for my porridge and decocting. Even though I take medicine, injections, but my fever is still not fully backed down, my mother was worried about my night to have a fever, a few night did not sleep a wink. Over the past few days, the mother, my mother was sick, sick, I cried and asked her mother: "Mom, are you okay?" "if you Jianjiankangkang, mother to have what thing?" she said with a smile. After listening to my mother's words, my heart can not be calm for a long time......

  The passage of time, it is in the past six years, but my mother's great love, have accompanied me to grow, it makes me moved, I have become indelible memories.






