


  "Protect the environment, care for home" is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen. Today, environmental protection is imminent, environmental problems have been plagued by people, how to make the environment better? Due to human wantonly destroy the environment: deforestation, littering... Lead to a variety of diseases, disasters, harm to health. Isnt it stupid for human beings to harm themselves?

  For example, the recent sandstorm, sweeping across China, is filled with dust everywhere. The soil in the air is inhaled into the body, causing great harm and causing many diseases, such as tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. However, the cause of this disaster is human deforestation. We should plant more trees, trees can block the wind and sand, and even control debris flow, soil erosion and other phenomena.

  March 12 is the tree planting day. But now, most people dont plant trees. They think its not bad for their own trees. But if people all over the country think so, its 1.3 billion trees. If people all over the world think so, its 6 billion trees. What an amazing number. If everyone plants trees and no one cuts them, then a few years later, are you afraid that the environment will not be good?

  We should appeal to people to protect the environment, care for our home, let the earth mother no longer cry, start from the small things around: use less disposable items, try to take the bus... Only protect the earth, protect their homes, can we live a healthy and happy life. For ourselves and for others, we should protect the environment and our home.

  The Zhugong river next to my home used to be a stinky ditch. People always make a detour here. Now, its not so smelly. Although the water is still very dirty, its much cleaner than before. Occasionally, fish and shrimp will swim freely. This shows that as long as people are willing to protect the environment, it is not too late to mend.

  Protect the environment, from me. How important is the environment. We have suffered a lot for the environment. Do we want our children to suffer?


  The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of the damage to the environment. Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples. The damage to the environment may endanger ones life. In addition, forest destruction, water and air pollution lead to the reduction of planting land and unpleasant weather.

  Serious problems, it seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. First of all, the policy that the authorities should adopt is "sustainable development". The law and related environmental protection work should be put into practice, and the law enforcement is not strict, just as our government has been doing.

  Besides, every citizen should understand the seriousness of the problem and work together to protect our environment. In addition, planting trees is conducive to improving and beautifying the environment.


  Around us, there are some scenes like this: garbage is thrown everywhere on the road; In rivers, waste water is seen every day; In the air, all kinds of "black dragon" wantonly emissions, stink... To our lives brought great harm! When the trees are cut down, as long as the rainstorm comes, the water and sediment will form a huge debris flow, and the consequences will be unimaginable“ "Black dragon" pollutes the blue sky and makes people unable to breathe normally; When someone drinks the waste water in the river, it leads to water poisoning... Isnt this thought-provoking? In todays increasingly serious environmental pollution, what can we do? How many people can think that they have destroyed themselves when they throw rubbish and waste water into the river?

  Therefore, it is imperative to protect the environment! We must control ourselves. If we dont litter, we can get less pollution; A variety of trees, more green; One more waste water filter will be installed to make it clean and healthy; Reduce emissions, return us a blue sky... Let our home clean! Students, lets take action to be a little guard of environmental protection!







6.关于世界环境日英语作文 Environment Day


