


  Today, my mother took me to hangzhou's "bofan dental" to see teeth. We are not familiar with the topography of hangzhou. We only know that "bofan dental" is located at 538 stadium road, not far from the railway station. Because of the rain, we took a taxi after we got off the train.

  The taxi driver, who had just asked our destination, sighed and said, "well, it was my bad luck to meet you. It took a long time for the team to wait for a shortcut. It's boring and boring. On the way, he did not know how many times he had said it, and he did not know how many times he had complained, and I was upset and angry. Then the driver turned his head and gave us a big and small circle. The price was raised to 16 yuan. It's incredible. But it is not he who meets such a driver, but me! The drivers in hangzhou are doing this, in order to make money, by all means, to do the dirty work. A few days ago, the media also reported that a female university student in hangzhou, also because the driver in order to make more money, gave her more twists and turns, increased a lot of fares. The college student argued hard, but the driver killed him. It seems that the service attitude of hangzhou taxi drivers must be completely changed, otherwise the beautiful hangzhou will be polluted by them, and who dares to travel to hangzhou!

  In a blink of an eye, I came up with a story about a taxi driver in Shanghai who was waiting at the airport for a ride. The result was a foreigner with white skin and blue eyes. He was bursting with joy. But the place where the foreign guests were to go was only a turn. Even though the driver was not happy. He waited for more than two hours and was only able to earn a starting price, but he had a good reception. The foreign guest, who had been rejected, had the same experience as us, and was surprised and impressed by the attitude of the driver. He decided to take him back to the company. It's a long way to know the company of the guest. The driver relies on his good attitude, the good service, gets the passenger's trust and the reward, fully gains a pen.

  Have a word: attitude decides everything, good attitude can not only make people feel warm in the cold, still can change the impression of a person, more can make you have unexpected harvest, is fully staffed oh!






  Some have won millions of prizes and are willing to donate them to welfare programs. Some people fail in exams and face reality and reflect on themselves. Some people are defeated again and again, but do not hold back, summon courage to go forward.

  Yes, life is colorful and sometimes unexpected. However, life is sometimes full of challenges and cruelty, and maybe it comes at a moment when we are unprepared.

  But what I want to say is: mentality decides success or failure!

  Helen from blind and deaf, but she did come under pressure in the other people can't believe that, with its tenacious tenacious perseverance, become the world famous writer and translator in the world. We all know that Helen's encounter is unfortunate, but she has created a great myth. I believe that Helen's success is not only the hard work, but also the positive attitude.

  Indeed, there may be challenges in real life that make us depressed and frustrated. At this time, we might as well compare our own reality with Helen, we will find that these are nothing.

  My firm reporter Helen the great and the miracle woman.

  No matter in my study or life, even in the face of the heavy pressure, frustration, she has become my hard struggle to struggle for the idol. Perhaps the exam results are not ideal, but who will not experience this? Maybe I won't make a big contribution to this society, but I'm serious and law-abiding every day. Maybe the unfamiliar environment has left me at a loss, but this is the test that everyone experiences in life. Mentality is really important. When we look at things in a positive light, we discover things, we treat things, we find that many problems will be solved, and the road ahead will be broadened and widened.

  Like those setbacks, difficulties, they are most afraid of our firm attitude. Shortcomings are not terrible, as long as we look at them with appreciation and development, gradually, we will find that they are gradually becoming our strengths and our strengths. Like a left and right sides of the plane said farmar, on the left is present life, the right is our point of view, to the balance of the right and left sides of the balance, will have to keep on the right and a right attitude, constantly change self.

  Oh, suddenly I remembered a song: "every time I am stuck in my loneliness, I am strong, and every time I am hurt, I will not tear myself away. "Yes, to discover the world with a straight mind. Because mentality is everything!


















