



  A novel coronavirus occurred in Wuhan before and after the Spring Festival.


  "Epidemic" first happened in Wuhan, then spread to China, spread to Jincheng, spread to our side, let everyone fall into disaster. With the arrival of the "epidemic", the soldiers in white began to stand on their own posts to protect people's lives. Although the "epidemic" was increasing, they still did not stop the pace of medicine, still trying to treat every patient infected by the virus. Because of the constant infection of the virus, the soldiers in white have been suffering from extreme fatigue due to their constant treatment. However, their will is still holding, and their will has not fallen.


  With the increasing number of infected patients in Wuhan, however, one by one healthy patient was rescued from the hands of soldiers in white. They sacrifice their precious time to treat the infected patients. They work hard day and night. There is little rest time every day. They can only rest for two or three hours. Besides, they are not comfortable to rest. Instead, they wear their thick work clothes, masks and medical glasses. They wear them day and night. When they rest, they lie on the board, lean against the window and sit on the board There is no quilt on the chair. Just because of the uncomfortable appearance, the strong willpower to fight against the virus and the hard work every day, we can have a better life and make the patients gradually healthy.


  Their strong will, the courage to fight against the disease, the courage to fight at the front line, the spirit of selfless dedication is worth learning, but we must cherish life.


  Come on, Wuhan! Go China!



  A major epidemic, once in a hundred years, came unexpectedly, testing the decision-making and action ability of the Party committee and the government to cope with the risk challenge. Facing the extremely severe epidemic situation, she shouldered the responsibility, set an example and bravely shouldered the heavy burden. With her own practical actions, she vividly explained the dedication and nature of a medical staff.


  In front of the epidemic, she is a fearless "rebel". The fight against the epidemic is a civil war without bystanders. Although she is a medical worker, she is also the most concerned daughter of her parents and the dearest mother of her children. However, in the face of the epidemic, she resolutely chose to go in the opposite direction. She and her colleagues have been on duty at the high-speed exit since April to monitor the epidemic situation of the personnel coming to the country. The day shift is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and the night shift is from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day. She is on duty for 12 hours and can't leave the post in the whole process. Sometimes there are too many vehicle personnel and she can't eat simple working meals on time. But for the sake of the safety of the masses, she resolutely sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, and at the same time feels more responsible.


  In front of the epidemic, she is a serious and meticulous "inspector". Epidemic monitoring needs to be scientific and rigorous without missing one person. It is not allowed to have a perfunctory attitude towards dealing with and handing over the work. In the specific work, she is mainly responsible for the temperature measurement, health condition inquiry and registration of the external personnel, and needs to contact the past personnel directly, which also means that there is a greater risk of infection. During the shift, the work is repetitive and boring. Sometimes, she has to work in the traffic flow. In addition, the vehicle is at the high-speed exit, so the work is very dangerous. One shift After removing the protective mask, there are deep marks on the face, and the protective clothing is wet all over. The number of vehicles tested by her reached more than times, and more than people contacted her, making unremitting efforts for the prevention and control of the epidemic in the whole region. She also knows that she is also flesh and blood, and there is also the risk of infection. But she is more aware that as a medical worker, she must always be in front of her, not afraid of sacrifice. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, she has put her life and death and safety aside.


  In front of the epidemic, she is an enterprising "doer". The work of epidemic prevention and control is hard. In order to implement the post responsibilities, she really cares for everyone and gives up her family. She should not only do a good job of epidemic prevention and control, but also take care of two children. However, due to the heavy responsibility of epidemic prevention and control, she sometimes has no time to pay more attention to her family. Often, when she comes home late at night, the child has fallen asleep, and always feels indebted to the child. Because of the particularity of her work, she can't always be with her family, and can't give them timely care and concern. What she can do is to do well in epidemic prevention and control. On the balance of public and private, she resolutely sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention and control. This spirit of taking the overall situation as the most important, diligent, serious, rigorous and practical work has been praised by her colleagues.


  Life is more important than Mount Tai. Fighting against new pneumonia and epidemic is the order! This is an ordinary grass-roots medical staff. She uses her own actions to interpret her original intention and mission, and her own efforts to demonstrate responsibility and responsibility. Together with her colleagues, she will work with one heart and one mind, work together in the same boat and help each other, resolutely win and win the prevention and control of the epidemic, and demonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of the angel in white on the front line of the prevention and control of the epidemic!










