

  C.To reduce the influence of robots.

  D.To improve the income of students.

  4.What might be talked about in the following paragraph?

  A.Measures to resist robots.

  B.Ways to improve TVET courses.

  C.Some policies to support workers.

  D.The future of the dual-track approach.


  Unlike IQ, emotional intelligence is something we can develop with practice and time.1..

  Here are some ways to improve emotional intelligence.

  Pay attention to your own feelings

  One of the first steps in improving your EQ is paying attention to your body language. Pause and pay attention to your body language when you experience different emotions. 2.? A lot of people will clench their fists, tighten their breathing, and tense up their shoulders. Release the tension consciously and take control of your breath.

  Also, consider writing down your feelings in a journal. 3., but can help you understand more details about how you came to feel a certain way.


  Pause before reacting and put yourself into the other person’s place. How would you feel in his or her position? 4.? Understanding others is a quick way to release tension. It helps diffuse(化解) many situations while also making us better negotiators.

  Active listening

  5.. Active listening is a deliberate attempt to not only hear what someone is saying, but to understand it. This sounds simple enough, but many people will nod to give the impression of listening, but will actually just be waiting to reply—or ignore the other person altogether.

  Those with low EQ will impulsively start talking about themselves every chance they get, no matter what the topic is. For active listening, try to build a conversation, which can promote mutual understanding.

  A. It’s not only a good release

  B. It will make a big difference

  C. How should you deal with such situations

  D. Here’s one skill that many people could improve

  E. What could be a possible reason for their behavior

  F. It’s a skill that will pay off many times in our lives

  G. What do you instinctively do when you get bad news


  Through the cold winter wasteland a man walked hard, leaning into the harsh wind which tried to force him back. He was covered from head to toe in layers of ___clothing, layers of protection against the____weather. On he ___, searching, searching. This must be the way.

  In the distance he saw what looked like ___rising out of the ground. It rose a few feet and then was quickly ___away by the biting wind. He changed his ___and turned towards the steam. As he got closer, he thought he could make out ___. Their melody(旋律) was unfamiliar to him -musical, ___and warm - it ___him closer.

  There before him was a remarkable sight. In the middle of the frozen wasteland was a large ____. Several people seemed to be ___easily in it without any effort. As they saw him ___, a man called out to him.

  “Come in here. It is lovely and warm. You can just ___back and relax,” said the man.

  “I can’t. There are no ___.” The man replied.

  “Just jump in. It really is lovely. There’s plenty of ___for another.” Another of the floaters joined in the ___.

  “But what if I want to get out? The sides are too ___to reach up to.” “Believe me, you won’t want to get out. Come on.” But he decided not to jump in. And that was a(an) ___decision.

  There’re many things and people in life like this pool. They ___you life can be easy. But in fact, they are ___that you can’t come back from.

  Life is hard. Stay wise. And fight.























  Chinese oracle-bone inscriptions(甲骨文) were included in the UNESCO Memory of the World Register.

  Oracle-bone inscriptions are the 1.(early) documentary evidence found in China, unearthed from the Yin ruins in Anyang city, Henan province. These inscriptions provide 2.(record) of divination(占卜)and prayers to gods from people in 3. late Shang dynasty. Over the years, oracle-bone inscriptions 4. (develop) into modern-day Chinese characters, 5.(show) the continuous evolution of Chinese civilization. Oracle bones serve 6. important materials for studying the long-standing and brilliant Chinese civilization.

  The Memory of the World Programme, 7.(establish) by UNESCO in 1992, aims to rescue the gradually aging, worsening 8. disappearing documentary heritage in the world, 9. (strengthen) protection, and to raise public awareness of the significance of documentary heritage. The program 10.(take) place every two years, and last time, China’s submission of “Archives of the Nanjing Massacre” was included in the Memory of the World Register. So far, China has already had many examples of documentary heritage included in the Memory of the World Register.







  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Before I went to Yunnan to attend a teaching activity, I had wondered what music to bring into the mountains to share with the children there. Music is an universal language, that is the best way to communicate with the children there. And I was afraid that the children would be too shy not to sing a song.  However, when I arrived, I found there was nothing to worry. They were extreme energetic during my class. I choose a famous song by Jay Chou “Fragrance of Rice”, tell the children whatever happened, their family would always be there for them. They should cherish anything and try their best to overcome difficulty in their life.



  1. 讲座目的;

  2. 讲座内容;

  3. 讲座时间、地点。


  1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  3. 参考词汇:书法 calligraphy










