




  雾霾是雾中悬浮着大量的烟、灰尘等微粒而形成的混浊现象。那雾霾又是怎样形成的呢?很多家庭都拥有汽车,汽车让我们的出行便捷了许多,但汽车的尾气排放污染空气;电厂、炼油厂、化工厂等工厂在我们的城市里“大显身手”,夜以继日地不断排放出煤烟和灰尘;绚丽的烟花爆竹让人目不暇接,但空气中烟雾腾腾,变得非常混浊,这些都是造成雾霾的主要原因,它们在带给我们快捷方便、赏心悦目的同时,也悄悄给我们带来了意想不到的后果。 为了再一次看到蓝天白云,为了我们能拥有一个健康的身体,为了我们的下一代,少开车,绿色出行,多种树,守护森林。治霾,从我做起!让我们齐心协力,保护环境,爱护地球!愿我们的地球妈妈永远美丽!永远天蓝水清!


  The hazy weather

  This year the character ‘haze’ came into our life ,the problem of which has aroused people’s concern.

  The hazy weather has a bad influence on our daily life ,especially in our breath system and transportation . Then ,how does this happen First ,we should know haze is a kind of weather , but it is not like the rain 、the snow . Originally it is a reflection to serious pollution , it is a red warning signal . There is conclude two reasons . First , Large pollutant emission is the crucial factor . Second , Disadvantageous condition for dispersal(扩散条件不利) , emission is unavoidable ,but dispersal must be timely .

  So ,what should we do in the haze In my opinion ,when we go out ,we should wear mask and take public transportation . The media should face the problem ,not sugarcoat (粉饰 ['ɡ,kt] ) it . The government ought to enhance the public supervision(社会监管) , develop clean energy and take care of the environment.

  We are all in this together! We shall survive and thrive together!
