



  Directions:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

  Curiosity is part of human nature. Children are famous for wanting answers 1. tons of questions. People keep reading or watching 2. they want to find out what happens. But curiosity also provides many practical benefits.

  Learning is easiest if you have a genuine desire for knowledge. Curiosity can create that desire when you have a question.

  Many of history greatest discoveries 3.(make)by curious people. People wondered 4. processes worked or how certain tasks could be done more effectively. Thanks to their curiosity, people now know far more about the world and have useful technology 5.(help)them.

  Even if you don’t plan to be an inventor of researcher, curiosity can still help you in the classroom. If you develop the joy of learning, classes will become more fun. And you’ll excel because you will be fully engaged in the process of learning. Even if you’re no longer a student, curiosity will make you better 6.(inform)and thus a more capable worker.

  What do you do if you’re not already curious? Fortunately, curiosity is a skill that can be improved. If you act like you’re curious, you’ll quickly start to actually feel curious. Often, the more you learn about a topic the 7.(interesting)it becomes.

  As you learn about a topic, gather information from as many sources as possible. Read a variety of books, watch or listen to lectures and ask questions. Don’t always get your information from the same source. Instead, learn to appreciate facts that different people know and the different opinions 8. they express.

  Ask a lot of questions, Remember, everyone knows 9. that you don’t. Find out what that is, and ask about it. This lets you learn something and makes the other person happy by letting them show off their knowledge.

  In the classroom or out of it, 10.(develop)curiosity is sure to be worthwhile.


  Serendipity - an unexpected delight – is the word that comes to mind when describing the seven-day hike my wife and I recently did in the wild and undeveloped northwest coast of Galicia, Spain.

  Simply ________, anyone who is adventurous, loves traveling to Europe and is fit enough to do 10-mile hikes should seriously consider doing this hike.

  Before this experience, I had never heard about On Foot Holidays programs that allow hikers to go at their own pace, with maps and detailed hiking ________, but without a guide or other travelers, while still enjoying a high level of local support.

  What ________ caught my attention was an announcement about On Foot Holidays’ newest hike, the Lighthouse Way, which they described as a journey along“the last ________ coast of Europe.”This particular hike sounded both challenging and rewarding enough to ________ a try.

  On Foot Holidays booked our lodging each night and ________ a taxi to take our baggage to the next destination, so we just had to carry our daypack essentials. Each day we ________ or spoke with the company’s local expert who was available ________ emergency, but whose main function was to keep us informed about the daily weather forecast and to make special taxi arrangements when we decided to ________ a couple of 14-mile hikes to less than 10 miles.

  The ________ of the trails and scenery made every hike a delight. One of our hikes followed a narrow trail along a steep, rocky cliff ________ the steel-blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean that thrash against jagged rocks hundreds of feet below us. We stopped to picnic and watch the only living things we saw that whole day: a herd of goats above us, and a group of dolphins jumping in the waves below. In the distance, many of mountain peaks ________ sparkling wind turbines(涡轮机)like candles on a cake.

  Silence and loneliness were the features of each day’s accommodation. The only sounds we heard were birds singing, the wind blowing through trees or the waves breaking against the shoreline. The air was clean and the temperature brisk, with frequent ________ of cloudy, cool, windy and rainy weather interspersed(点缀)with glorious bursts of sunshine.

  There was remarkably little litter, the exception being spots along the shore where ocean currents ________ mostly fishing items.

  My wife and I realized that we are pilgrims searching for meaning, awareness and joy on our journey through life, and our Galician hiking ________ had moved us further down that path in ways we won’t forget.

  1.A. lostB. movedC. urgedD. put

  2.A. stringsB. instructionsC. devicesD. materials

  3.A. initiallyB. graduallyC. smoothlyD. firmly

  4.A. recommendedB. developedC. unspoiledD. discovered

  5.A. warrantB. provideC. imagineD. evaluate

  6.A. prepared forB. arranged forC. paid forD. turned to

  7.A. negotiatedB. discussedC. contactedD. texted

  8.A. in addition toB. in need ofC. in case ofD. in favour of

  9.A. shortenB. extendC. decreaseD. expand

  10.A. appearanceB. varietyC. characterD. route

  11.A. displayingB. reflectingC. followingD. overlooking

  12.A. establishedB. lightenedC. sportedD. structured

  13.A. changesB. intervalsC. adaptionsD. interactions

  14.A. stretchedB. withdrawnC. floatedD. deposited

  15.A. experienceB. techniqueC. investigationD. experiment


  Many people prefer eating out instead of cooking at home. A change appears to be taking place, though, and millennials are leading the way. According to one survey, more young people are starting to cook at home for three basic reasons: They can save money, eat healthy and waste less food.

  Popular TV chefs are also getting millennials excited about learning some basic cooking skills. Many millennials view cooking as a form of entertainment and self-expression. They proudly post pictures of their cooking creations on Facebook or and invite friends over to share the cooking experience.

  Many millennials have also found ways to avoid wasting food. After roasting a chicken, they put the leftover bones in their freezer instead of the garbage can. Later, they use the bones to make chicken stock which is an important ingredient in many dishes.

  They also hate throwing out fruit that’s too old. To avoid that situation, they bake ripe fruit like berries and bananas for 15 minutes at 175 degrees C. Then they freeze it overnight. After that, they place the fruit in plastic bags and store it their freezer for later use.
