

五、 让步论证法

  欲擒故纵的高超写法,对考生来说比较陌生,先退一步承认与自己观点相反的事实,再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者。让步这种方法的优点是能较为全面地看待一个问题,而且反驳更能有的放矢。比如举一个大家特别熟悉的例子,一个男生向女生表白时被拒绝,女生会很委婉地表示,先肯定男生有很多优点,但最终会表示自己并不喜欢他,他不是她喜欢的类型。这种方式一方面不会伤害到男孩的自尊,同时也鲜明地表达了自己的想法。在这种论证中,常见句型如下:although / though / in spite of the fact that…; as is granted / admittedly…; opponents would argue that…


  1. As is granted, saving money offers people a sense of security in case of emergency. However, people tend to believe that wise investment can get more profits.

  2. Opponents would argue that some of the violence shown on TV is the true portrayal of what is happening around us and people have the right to know it. Although this is undoubtedly true, it also means that people who see them a lot may gradually develop a sense of insecurity and mistrust as they are forced to believe they are living in a dangerous world.

