


  1. 义工活动


  时间 2007年7月27日,星期五

  参与者 你自己,英国的John,印度的Sinba,美国的Keith 等18名同学

  地点 Lee苹果场,距离学校大约60公里,西北方向

  交通 早上8点出发,坐公交车1个小时,再步行15分钟

  内容 前几天龙卷风袭击了农场,捡苹果并分类,好的放入箩筐

  感受 累,但有意义




  参考词汇: 龙卷风tornado

  2. 教学经历


  时间 上个星期三上午,9点—11点半。

  听课者 7年级学生。

  经过 1. 用了1个半小时陈述,介绍了中国的古代王朝、近代革命,重点介绍当代的改革开放和经济发展

  2. 用1个小时交流

  感受 1. 他们对中国了解很少,但很有兴趣,他们提了很多奇怪的问题

  2. 第一次这样上课,很紧张,压力很大

  结果 自己得到了锻炼,中国也得到了更多的了解

  建议 需要更多这样的文化交流






  1. On July 27th 2007, Friday, we 18 classmates, including John from Britain, Sinba from India and Keith from the USA, went to Lee Farm to help the farmers. We started off at 8 o’clock in the morning, and after an hour’s ride on the bus, we walked for another 15 minutes. Lee Farm is about 60 kilometres northwest to our school. A few days ago it was hit by a strong tornado, and many apples were blown onto the ground, so we helped to pick up the apples and put the good ones in the baskets. We felt very tired after the work, but all of us thought it was a great help to the farmers.

  2. Last Wednesday I gave a lecture about China’s culture and history to the 7th students from 9-11:30 in the morning. This is the first time I gave a lesson, so I felt very nervous and great pressure. I presented for one and a half hours, introducing from the dynasties in ancient times to the revolutionary in recent times, but I spent a lot more time on present China, the renovation, the open policy and the economic development. In the following hour we exchanged ideas and had a good discussion, but I was sorry to find that they knew little about China and raised a lot of strange questions. I think we need more cultural exchange of this kind, because we can get more practice and the foreign students can understand more about China.
