

  It made me think, then and later, about other matters to which this incident was related. It helped me realize that there is no sense in my attempting ever to flee from circumstances and conditions which cannot be avoided but which I might bravely meet and frequently mend and often turn to good account. I know that half the battle is won if I can face trouble with courage, disappointment with spirit, and triumph with humility. It has become ever clearer to me that danger is far from disaster, that defeat may be the forerunner of final victory, and that, in the last analysis, all achievement is perilously fragile unless based on enduring principles of moral conduct.


  I have learned that trying to find a carefree world somewhere far off involves me in an endless chase in the course of which the opportunity for happiness and the happiness of attainment are all too I often lost in the chase itself. It has become apparent to me that I cannot wipe out the pains of existence by denying them, blaming them largely or completely on others, or running away from them.


  The elements of weakness which mark every person cannot absolve me from the burdens and blessings of responsibility for myself and to others. I can magnify but never lessen my problems by ignoring, evading or exorcising them. I believe that my perplexities and difficulties can be considerably resolved, if not completely overcome, by my own attitudes and actions. I am convinced that there can be no guarantee of my happiness except that I help evoke and enhance it by the work of my hands and the dictates of my heart and the direction of my striving. I believe that deep faith in God is necessary to keep me and hold mankind uncowed and confident under the vagaries and ordeals of mortal experience, and particularly so in this period of revolutionary storm and travail. If my values receive their sanction and strength from relationship to divine law and acceptance of its ethical imperatives, then nothing can really harm me. “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”  每个人都有不足之处,但我为自己与他人排忧解难和祈求祝福的责任并不能因此免除。我可以将问题放大,却绝不会为缩小问题而忽视、逃避或求助神灵。我相信,通过自己的态度与行为就可解决我的疑惑与难题,即使无法克服全部。我确信,要想使幸福有所保障,接受心灵的指引,就必须靠自己的双手,朝着目标努力奋斗,去创造并积累幸福。我相信,若想在人世间的变幻莫测与严酷考验中,特别是当今革命风暴的艰难时刻,保持无所畏惧与信心十足,就必须对上帝保持虔诚的信仰。如果我的价值观能从其与神律的联系和伦理要求的承诺中获得支持与力量,那任何事物都无法给我造成真正的伤害。“耶和华是我的牧者,我将一无所求。”以雷雨中的醒悟为题的中英文作文]相关文章:
