


  Recently, I read a classic animated film, "Kung Fu Panda", this movie is the second time I have seen, people often say: "the book to read a hundred times, its meaning from now". Sure enough, this time, it gave me a lot of new inspiration.

  The hero of the story, Bao is a special martial arts, to the state of martial arts enthusiasts, in a clever opportunity, he accidentally became the Dragon warrior. Everyone laughed at him, tiger, snake, crane, monkey, mantis five heroes often take it to a joke, the raccoon master is don't love it, think it was the turtle master awarded the "Dragon Warrior" was "worthy of the name, he is not qualified to play, just an accident, so several times to catch he walked.

  Of course, the panda that they can not, because he has no tiger claw, and no snake venom, nor even Mantis weapon, his kung fu policies do not deserve the dragon warrior, not confident of their own bear dragon warrior birthright, but not against and defeat the notorious dragon courage, guilty of the most heinous crimes.

  Others do not trust themselves, and they do not have self-confidence, but also like martial arts, reluctant to leave the place to learn martial arts, with such a depressed mood, the panda lost to climb the mountain, eating peaches...... There, he met the master of tortoise, and changed his life from then on.

  Master uguai and other people look different, he believes that the panda can learn kung fu, have the potential ability to defeat the dragon, can become a real warrior, and he saw the two biggest advantages: a panda is a strong interest in learning kung fu, two is extraordinary perseverance, so the tortoise master patiently enlighten him, saying nothing is accidental, and finally made a profound words: "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift from God, we should cherish it like a gift".

  The final result is perfect, "the interest is the best teacher", in the guidance of the teacher to teach the raccoon, learn kung fu panda defeated the mighty dragon, to protect their homes, to become worthy of the name the Dragon warrior.

  Master uguai told that panda encouraging words, I think it makes sense, what do not always think of yesterday, how, what will happen tomorrow, the most important thing is to live each moment today, no matter what must have perseverance and perseverance, have confidence in yourself, do a good job. Try to complete it well.
