

  Article six: I yearn for world peace

  Peace is what many people desire. But there are people who create war and destroy peace.

  In August 21, 1937, the train station in Shanghai was crowded and crowded. Suddenly, four planes passed over the south station and threw down four heavy bombs. I saw a flash of light, then came the four loud sound, the train station immediately razed, smoke, fire, pungent smell floating in the air, railway becomes like twist, houses collapsed, bridges collapsed, parents do not see, brother disappeared, brick tiles under there a lot of people, some have no arms, no legs, some of them had blood.

  The railway side sat a small boy, his hair was burned, face Xunde black, dripping blood, clothes in shreds and patches was coming out, even the calf. He cried, as if calling, "I want dad, I want mom." Where are you, mom and dad? "

  The living man fled to fear the bombing, and the dead were buried in the ruins. After the enemy went away, people came out carefully, tidy up the dead and cure the wounded.

  No more war, the war will hurt the innocent children and the people, do not war again, the war will bring harm to everyone.

  Article seven: I yearn for peace

  The United States attacked Afghanistan; the United States and Japan were negotiated by satellite launches. All kinds of wars, all kinds of negotiations. What does it mean? They like the benefit, which is caused by the words "interest".

  It is human nature to fight for the interests. The various interests and money to tempt us, make us anything. For example, in the school, a small classmate because accidentally hit another small classmate, beaten small classmate suddenly rage, the students pursued, until "the outbreak of war"......

  Small to the region, large to the country.

  The outbreak of the world war. The cause is just the "Sarajevo incident" Serbia youth killed Austro Hungarian emperor Ferdinand (originally the Austro Hungarian Empire is wrong, they to the Serbia show of force, angered Serbia, took place in this tragedy). The results caused by the multinational revolted, took place in world war. The state of war, the surface meaning is that the state is hurt by the economy, in fact, really hurt, or the innocent people. There are more than 30 countries and regions, and about 1 billion 500 million people are involved in the war. The number of casualties on both sides of the battlefield was up to about 30000000. More than an unprecedented war!

  We still remember the war of resistance against Japan. In the end, the curtain fell to the end of the Japanese army. But to the people of both sides, it is an indelible scar. How many people sacrifice, how many people are displaced, how many people...

  I yearn for peace! Peace will be good if you have peace. The country in the war, that is not the decline; the peace of the country, that is not going to prosperity? I know deeply that the people of all countries are longing for peace. There is peace, people will not have peace, people have been displaced; not every day...... The world longs for peace, the country in the war, and I sincerely tell you that you can't stop for a war.

  I longed for peace, but I longed for world peace more.

  Article eight: I hope world peace

  When a mushroom cloud rises above a country, how do you feel in your heart? Lucky or sad? Do you see a ripple in your heart when you see a child who has lost his loved one in the war? When your country is surrounded by war, do you feel the fear of spreading the whole body? You will never know that in the eyes of the frontline warriors, there is a touch of fear and helpless...

  Protect our homes and defend our country, is the responsibility of everyone, I am not against it. But where do you act for this sentence? Some people speak of patriotism and patriotism. But are you really patriotic? Throw the rubbish everywhere. This is the so-called "patriotism", full of dirty words, this is the so-called "patriotism", wake up! You do not want to protect our homes and defend our country, the startled world indescribably tragic events. As long as you start with small things and do your little strength, that's enough.

  The recent 3 / 01 incident hit the whole of China. The cruelty of the innocent thugs of the people. For a time, red is impregnated with our eyes, or sorrow, or anger. No matter how high they have, it is the abomination of the despicable people to make chips with the blood of innocent people. When your hands are covered with blood, have you ever thought of the innocence of life? It's too late when you regret it. You owe them debt, and the law will make you pay back a little.

  Like thousands of Chinese, I feel a strange thing about 3. 01 events. You think, a Xinjiang separatist force, if no one is behind the back, they have that great courage. I do not know who is the "golden Lord" behind, but I know at least: their purpose is to split China. China is becoming more and more powerful now, which is a threat to some countries. They wish us "faction", in the end, good takings. Yes, use the hands of others to kill an innocent life. What a seamless decision it is! However, you have not thought about, perhaps behind you, there will be countless pairs of eyes with their resentment, hatred, anger, and led you to open the gates of hell.

  War is terrible, because there will be countless lives flying to the kingdom of heaven. You may think that this is the country, the military duties, for the future of the country, behoove. Yes, of course. A mother is pregnant in October, he brought up the bear bitter hardships. And her children disappeared from the world, only for a moment. This moment, although it contains the glory of a soldier. But what about the mother? Is it fair? It's unfair. It's not fair at all, because we will never realize how painful and helpless she is to lose her child...

  Who does the suffering know in the war? It's the people. The leader of a country is not the best hope, peace and prosperity? If you can't protect your own people, you don't deserve it, and you don't deserve to sit in that position.

  Everyone wants peace in the world, and everyone wants to be honest with each other. Not full of killing, isn't it? I want to ask the president of all countries and the president to reflect on whether you really have a real view of the people from the point of view of the people, to look at the problems and to solve the problem.

  I want world peace.









