










  In winter, feather like snow flying all over the sky, the whole world has put on the white coat, a piece of snow falling from the sky down, in a moment, on the ground, the tree on the roof, into the white. The snow white, who is like being torn small scraps of paper, like the spring air flying catkins, it is so pure, they are so beautiful.

  There are four seasons in a year. Each season has a different view, and I like the magnificent sight of the winter when it snows. In winter, heavy snow, people seem to come to a quiet and quiet realm, come to a glittering and translucent Fairy - like world.

  It has been the second time in my mind that it has been snowing from the past year. That time, the snow was very big, but the time was very short, only a few hours. Now the snow is long, the snow is very big, and the students in our class are playing happily - all the students in the school...

  Snow falls from the sky when we take a nap. At that time, the snow in front of the window slowly drifting away, it seems to us is showing off his posture that six star like, as if to let us praise it, but it is really very beautiful, very beautiful, want to let people feel the pure white snow flying in the atmosphere in the snow. I really like winter, winter has white snow, clean sky, bright air... It makes people no longer afraid of spring caterpillars, mosquitoes in summer, crickets in autumn, and I like winter...

  This time the snow from the afternoon before the start of first class, there is a large number of troops in the front of the classroom to throw a snowball snowball...... We girls started no one out to play, later in the second section of class, we have 20 minutes of time to play, and come out. Happy inside, laughing and playing in the snow. I was so happy and happy for the first time in my junior high school. I feel happy, happy, and relaxed at that moment. At that moment, there was no learning, no competition, no tension, only fun to play with snow, to throw snow, and to step on snow. Later, the snow brought us the hair and the clothes of our men and women, and let us never forget it. In the second quarter at the end of the class, the geography teacher let us see us well ahead of the class 5 minutes, from the side of the library door to sneak into the lake where we, seven (7) class play, play the game although not what changes, but we are still happy......

  Although it was cold at the time, our heart was hot...

  I really want to be so happy forever...





  I think of Jia Baoyu. He was a monk, but also back thanks to Jia Zheng, with the weather that day and today is a miracle, the overwhelming snow is long, empty, but really to the gem. That is to worship and worship, nineteen years have gone well, thanks a daughter to worry about, thanks to the many hidden bitterness lingering feelings, thanks to sentimental dream world, since the world is no longer the people Jia Baoyu, Jia Zheng heart what to think, he is his only son, vibration Xing family hope Pro entropy entropy the flesh was so fragile, cannot withstand a single blow, from the will from, that has been talked about, the world, vaguely old, with whom it is still safe, strange, desolate wilderness floating snow, buried more than ten years of dream, the dream of snow, is gone no trace, the snow cold people heartache ah, so she is a painful, cold, such as snow.

  The snow is very beautiful sunny, blue blue sky, a handful of crystal ice, glow suffused with light, I read "the goldsmith, sparkling snow would how beautiful woman Xue baochai. Xue family is gold and pearls like iron, and is always dressed in a light pao-ch'ai Su yi. She is not as prominent family pride, nor by blandishments with tolerance, sincerely treat each person. She is refined and elegant, but from the bones, amiable and easy of approach, let a person feel admiration admiration, first saw the snow - like feeling of solemnity, not sully the holy and majestic, Tanzania, crystal clear and delicate, steady and honest, although Baochai is "people who hide a quiet and unexpressive, made at any time, to keep zhuo. "It is not sensitive on sarcastic ridicule than Lin Daiyu inferior. I just want to marry Baoyu too much. I want to get a name too. I hope it is good to use the wind and send me the green cloud. Even so, she did not and I together, also did not hurt a person. But her end was so miserable, Wang and others for a joke. She is not understand, snow is not the love of the beautiful decoration of the sun, but not to pursue, the sun is burning will melt the snow, she is the sun lost eyes, nature is not so. It is like the snow Bao Xue confused, beautiful woman.

  The snow is not only graceful and elegant charm, also have a pure-hearted style. It is so white, it is so lovely, I was completely intoxicated by the beauty of the snow.
