




  教师在考虑整个单元的教学计划、教学方法前必须掌握本单元的教学内容,分析哪些是教学的重点、哪些是教学的难点。这样有利于合理、科学地安排各课时的教学内容、教学重点和难点,做到课时与课时之间的相互衔接。教材每个单元都有一个总的“warming-up”,这一“warming-up”是整个单元内容的引入。如:Book lA Unit 5“The silver screen”所以本单元的“Warming up”就是与荧屏有关,除了单元总的“Warming-up”外,我们平时的每一节课前都设计一个“warming-up”,而这个“warming- up”就是上节课的回顾和本节课的引入,所以在备课时就要考虑到前一课时与本一课时的自然衔接。每单元的课时内容安排可以根据教材的编排顺序从 “warming-up,listening,speaking,reading,integrating skills”,再到work book中的“listening,talking,integrating skills”;也可根据本单元的内容以及教师的思路安排每课时的教学内容,因为我觉得新教材体现了在理解学生的兴趣和困难的基础上,教师可以进行创造性的和独立自主的教学,所以有时我就用WB中的listening,或SB中speaking作为reading的引入。如:Book lA. Unit 1的课时我们是这样安排的:The first period:Warming up & speaking:Topic:Good friend The second period:Reading (Integrating skills:SB and WB & writing.)

  Topic:Different kinds of good friends e-pal How to get in touch with a pen-friend,or pen pal.writing e-mail.The third period Reading“Huck‘s Friend”(We have different kinds of friends.and we’ll see what kind of friend Huck has)The fourth period:Listening & speaking(SB and WB)Friends have the same interest and opinion but friends can also have different interests or opinions.How to solve the problems Good friends should…。

  The fifth period:Grammar:Good friends should have……/Good friends→should be.The grammar“direct speech and indirect speech.”The sixth period:Revision:Word study,vocabulary,grammar and so on.



  1)XXX is the student who sings us the song.

  2)XXX is the student who also sings us the song.3)。XXX and XXX are the students who sing us the song.引出之后老师可以设计几个任务:Task 1.Free talking using attributive clause.( )is a person( )。

  Task 2. Complete the sentences:1.A bookworm is a person who( )。

  2.A sports fan is a person( )

  3.A nurse( )

  4.A clock is a machine( )。

  Task 3. Complete the sentences.(Unit 4)

  1.Zhang Heng is the man who( )seismograph in 132. 2.Howard Carter is the man who( )King Tut‘S tomb in 1937. 3.The Titanic is the ship( ) after hitting an iceberg. 4.Beijing is the city( )has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Task4:Pair work One speaks Chinese and the other speaks English. Task 5:Practice:teacher,is easy going/treat us as friends;gives us a lot of homework,never makes jokes Model:A good teacher is one who is easy going. A good teacher is one who treats us as friends. A teacher who gives us a lot of homework is not a good one. A teacher who never makes jokes is not a good one.



  阅读能力是大部分学生今后继续深造以及工作所需要的主要语言技能,也是各种考试的主要内容之一。从语言学习的规律来看,英语应用能力的提高是建立在大量的语言输入,尤其是大量的阅读的基础之上的。因此我们在教学中必须十分注重阅读能力的培养,我们对教材中的每一篇阅读材料都要充分地利用,除了每单元的三篇阅读材料外我们基本上每一单元后再补充一篇与本单元内容有关的课外阅读;单元中的“language points,grammar”有时多讲点与少讲点关系不是很大,因为这种内容重复率很高的,即使课文中没讲到,练习中也会出现。阅读教学我们基本上也采用常见的模式:fast-reading、careful reading.Fast-reading的问题只要求学生快速阅读就能找到即可:careful reading的问题可设计一些细节的寻找(time and places,characters…)、分析判断、推理等方面的问题。如:Book LA Unit 4 Reading“The Rescue” Fast-reading Questions:1)。What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff meet? 2)。What rescued them?


  1)At the beginning of the story what did Flora hear and see?

  2)Where did she see a wall of water that Was quickly advancing towards her?

  3)What Was Flora‘S feeling?

  4)Where Was Flora when the flood began?

  5)Can you describe the house?

  6)How many parts can the passage be divided into according to the change of the places?

  Discussion:1)What do you think of Jeff/Flora?

  2)What Can we learn from the story?
