


  I am not running for my own life, I have to grab to save right before the end of me, and precious things.

  My own life has no meaning at the moment.

  ---- Edward.

  Karen love between man and vampire can have deep? Enough to transcend time? Reading "Twilight", I always feel the love between man and vampire is fragile, is not true.

  Man and vampire, originally belonging to two different worlds, let alone love them even more deeply, but also deep, but time, time is before the river lie in love, because in its presence, I feel that our love is tiny and powerless .

  Edwards said: "I do not want my presence away any of your things, if I can do that.

  I hope you do a normal person, I hope your life according to its original look to continue on when I have died in 1918 when the damned.

  "it has met, and how to live according to its original look to continue? Heat from sunlight, leaving the mother's smile, came to this perennial rainy town of Fox, if you are in life encounter unscathed, then I would rather doomed.

  Time is great, it is to walk along its trajectory, I stand with my love and life, do not care what the limits of it.

  Hours were long, very pale, and life though short-lived, but because there is love and the colorful, perhaps we love, like that word says, Suisi Utah Health.

  Initially, I thought Bella on Edward's love is shallow love fills an obsession.

  However, of them are listed, they find that they are wrong.

  She came with a heavy sense of alienation Fox, met Edward Cullen, and she fell in love with him without any regrets.

  In her heart, Edward was her all, that she felt the future.

  Edward asked her: "But how do you can easily believe me? Me a thousand times and you said I love you, you can remark on how to destroy my faith in it?" Bella replied: "I do not believe me they are ...

  enough ...

  deserves you, I do not have anything to keep you.

  "she thought of exile and loneliness made her humble, fervent in love with Edward, while he left, she desperately to all the buried, the tears hidden in the darkness.

  Nightmare will never be his shadow, time and again struggled up, wound heart.

  In order to hear the voices of those who are familiar with the unreal, and she once again risk their lives, no, may not be called life-threatening, and she do not care about death.

  He is gone, she's happy and in the future left.

  Bella and Jacob will be friends, she was in love with Edward is no longer a love of power and then pay another.

  Jacob is a very friendly, very sincere friend, in her heart, she hoped that her brother Jacob is like the same people, for Jacob is that some cruel, but many things are not too fussy, do not you ? I do not know whether the sub have love, if we encounter another one who is not on the path of love has changed? Jacob embraced in Beira, she hesitated, she heard the voice of those illusory: "the enjoyment of happiness one can know." Enjoy a happy, do you really want it? Everything really as you put it - "It's like I never existed?" Edward, you have this hard-hearted Romeo ...


  Edward Lun, from the never thought he would be so in love with Bella.

  A vampire decided to human love, the first step in what should be the strength and courage to step? He said: "It's not to see you 倒在地板上 ...


  badly beaten, not too late, do not even think I hear you scream ---- painful memory of all those unbearable I will always remember.

  No The worst is that ...


  knew I could not stop, I believe I will kill you.

  "He loves Bella too much, and he treasured her soul, so chose to leave, I think he must have painful.

  "My heart is beating for almost 90 years since passed, but this time not the same.

  This time seems to be missing ---- as if my heart I was hollow, because I have put everything in my heart to stay in your body has.

  "when he thought she had died, the heart of grief, the mind is the only one idea ---- to follow her to go, even if it was hell," death, even if the sink take your breath fragrant honey, can not take away the beauty of your ...


  you smell so good as before, even if it was hell, I do not care, I would like to have it.

  "I believe that a kind of love is deep as the sea, is rooted in the bottom of my heart, a lifetime is difficult to forget.

  Determined not to let Bella become a vampire Edward, I can only understand one of the reasons to become vampires, watching the numerous day and night do not see the end of that long and lonely how to bear? I think that even if a loved one has been accompanied, I will not let her (him) into a vampire, the loneliness is like a devil, inch by inch to devour our well-being, too terrible.

  But regardless of whether Bella will become a vampire, as a reader, of course, hope that she and Edward can be long-term well-being, there is love is a sweet thing.



  ----爱德华.卡伦 人与吸血鬼间的爱能有多深?足以超越时间吗?读《暮色》时,我总觉得人与吸血鬼的爱情是脆弱的,是不真实的.人与吸血鬼,本来就属于两个不同的世界,更何况爱得再深,也深不过时间,时间是横亘在爱前的长河,因于它的存在,我觉得我们的爱情是渺小和无力的.



  贝拉和雅各布只会是朋友,她深爱着爱德华,已无力量再付出另一段爱.雅各布是一个很友好,很真诚的朋友,在她心里,她希望雅各布是像哥哥一样的人,对雅各布来说是有些残忍,但很多事情都是不能强求的,不是吗?我不知道爱情是否能分先后,假如我们遇到的是另外一个人,爱情的轨迹是不是就改变了呢?在雅各布拥抱贝拉时,她犹豫不决,她听到了那虚幻的声音:“享受幸福吧.”享受幸福,你真的希望这样吗?一切真的可以像你所说的那样——“就像我不曾存在过?”爱德华,你这个狠心的罗密欧…… 爱德华·伦,从不曾想到过他会是那样地深爱着贝拉.一个吸血鬼决定与人类相爱,第一步,要以怎样的力量和勇气迈出?他说过:“不是看见你倒在地板上……头破血流,不是想到我太晚了甚至不是听见你痛苦的尖叫----所有这些难以忍受的记忆我都会永远记住.不,最糟糕的是觉得……是知道我无法阻止,相信我自己会把你害死.”他太爱贝拉了,他珍惜她的灵魂,所以选择离开,我想他一定很痛.

  “我的心差不多有九十多年没有跳动过了,但是这一次不一样的.这一次好像是我的心不见了----仿佛我是镂空,因为我已经把我内心的所有东西留在你身上了.”当他以为她已死去时,心中是悲痛,脑海中是唯一的一个念头----追随她去,即便那是地狱,“死亡,就算汲走你呼吸的香蜜,却无法夺走你的美丽……你和以前一样那么好闻,就算它是地狱,我也不在乎,我要拥有它.” 我相信,有种爱情是深沉如海的,植根于心底,一生都难以忘却.

