


  If you’re a vampire, it’s all about you. Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella SwanBecause she smells so yummy, but he doesn’t want to kill her. Here’s what he tells her: He must not be around her. He might sink his fangs in just a little, and not be able to stop. She finds this overwhelmingly attractive. She tells him he is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. I don’t remember Edward ever saying that to her. Maybe once. He keeps on saying they should stay far, far apart, because he craves her so much.

  Should a woman fall in love with a man because he desires her so muchMen seem to think so. Its not about the woman, its about the mans desire. We all know there is no such thing as a vampire. Come on now, what is "Twilight" really aboutIts about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence, and how, in the heat of the moment, its really, really hard. And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him, and doesnt care what might happen. Hes so beautiful she would do anything for him. She is the embodiment of the sentiment, "Id die for you." She is, like many adolescents, a thanatophile.

  If there were no vampires in "Twilight," it would be a thin-blooded teenage romance, about two good-looking kids who want each other so much because they want each other so much. Sometimes thats all its about, isnt itTheyre in love with being in love. In "Twilight," however, they have a seductive disagreement about whether he should kill her. Shes like, I dont especially want to die, but if thats what it takes, count me in. She is touched by his devotion. Think what a sacrifice he is making on her behalf. On Prom Night, on the stage of the not especially private gazebo in the public gardens, he teeters right on the brink of a fang job, and then brings all of her trembling to a dead stand-still.

  The movie is lush and beautiful, and the actors are well-chosen. You may recall Robert Pattinson (Edward) as Cedric Diggory, who on Voldemorts orders was murdered in a graveyard in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." Maybe he was already a vampire. Pattinson is not unaware of how handsome he is. When Bella and Edward, still strangers, exchange stern and burning looks in the school cafeteria, he transfixes her with a dark and glowering - nay, penetrating - stare. I checked Pattinson out on Google Images and found he almost always glowers at the camera neath shadowed brow. Kristen Stewarts Bella, on the other hand, is a fresh-faced innocent who is totally undefended against his voltage.

  Bella has left her mom and stepdad in hot Arizona, clutching a potted cactus, to come live in the clammy, rainy Pacific Northwest, home of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Her dad (Billy Burke) is the chief of police of the very small town of Forks, Washington (pop. 3,120). His greatest asset: "He doesnt hover." At high school, she quickly notices the preternaturally pale Cullen clan, who in some shots seem to be wearing as much Max Factor Pancake White as Harry Langdon. Edward is 114 years old. He must be really tired of taking biology class. Darwin came in during his watch, and proved vampires cant exist.

  There are other strange youths around, including American Indians who appear not too distantly descended from their tribes ancestors, wolves. Great tension between the wolves

  and vampires. Also some rival vampires around. How small is this townThe Forks high school is so big, it must serve a consolidated district serving the whole table setting. The main local Normal Kid is a nice sandy-haired boy who asks Bella to the prom. Hes out of his depth here, unless he can transmogrify into a grizzly. Also there are four grey-bearded coots at the next table in the local diner, who eavesdrop and exchange significant glances and get big, significant close-ups but are still just sitting significantly nodding, for all I know.

  Edward has the ability to move as swiftly as Superman. Like him he can stop a runaway pickup with one arm. He rescues Bella twice that I remember, maybe because he truly loves her, maybe because hes saving her for later. She has questions. "How did you appear out of nowhere and stop that truck" Well might she ask. When he finally explains that he is a vampire, he goes up from 8 to 10 on her Erotometer. Why do girls always prefer the distant, aloof, handsome, dangerous dudes instead of cheerful chaps like me

  "Twilight" will mesmerize its target audience, 16-year-old girls and their grandmothers. Their mothers know all too much about boys like this. I saw it at a sneak preview. Last time I saw a movie in that same theater, the audience welcomed it as an opportunity to catch up on gossip, texting, and laughing at private jokes. This time the audience was rapt with attention. Sometimes a soft chuckle, as when the principal Indian boy has well-developed incisors. Sometimes a soft sigh. Afterwards, I eavesdropped on some conversations. A few were saying, "Hes so hot!" More floated in a sweet dreaminess. Edward seemed to stir their surrender instincts.

  The movie, based on the Stephenie Meyer novel, was directed by Catherine Hardwicke. She uses her great discovery, Nikki Reed, in the role of the beautiful Rosalie Hale. Reed wrote Hardwicks "Thirteen" (2003) when she was only 14. That was a movie that knew a lot more about teenage girls. The girl played by Reed in that movie would make mincemeat of Edward. But I understand who "Twilight" appeals to, and it sure will.


  Donna Jensen () is a girl from a small town from Nevada who wishes to see the world in order to get away from her unhappy life of living in a trailer with her alcoholic mother, a former Las Vegas showgirl, and her abusive, alcoholic boyfriend. After graduating from high school, Donna tries to make ends meet by working as a clerk in a . One day, she reads a book by Sally Weston, My Life in the Sky and decides to follow her destiny by becoming a . Her first position is at a small, seedy California commuter but this success builds her confidence up and encourages her to attend open interviews for Royalty Airlines. She convinces her two co-workers, Sherry and Christine ( and ), to join her. While Christine and Donna get in, Sherry does not. Donna puts her heart and soul into the training camp, and, after meeting her idol Sally Weston (), she is

  determined to be assigned to the top route, "Paris, First Class, International". Alas, when the assignments are posted, Donna is shocked to discover that she has been assigned to a route in . Christine, who had initially struggled with the material and procedures, has inexplicably been assigned the high-priority route.

  A few months later, by chance, Donna runs into Christine in Cleveland. Donna knows from previous experience that Christine has stolen things from peoples homes but is still shocked when Christine empties her

  handbag to reveal all manner of Royalty Air items. Even the smallest theft is strictly prohibited by Royalty Airlines, and could mean termination. Still sure there was some sort of error in her route assignment, Donna turns to Sally Weston for help. Through a course of events, Donna discovers that Christine had switched their test booklets when they were being handed up to their trainer - Christines route assignment is rightfully Donnas, and vice versa. When Sally asks to have airline security spy on Christines flight - to see if she stole any property (a code blue) - Christine gets caught and is fired from Royalty. Donna gets the chance to re-take her exam and achieves a perfect score, resulting in being assigned a Paris, First Class, International route. However, following her "destiny" means deciding between a boyfriend () and her career. She chooses her career.

  Though she gets all that she wants - Paris, first class, etc. - Donna realizes that she is still not happy. She misses her boyfriend in Cleveland terribly, and with Sally Westons encouragement, she returns to Cleveland to meet him. She does, and after a heartfelt speech to his deaf grandmother, which he overhears, the two kiss and make up. The movie ends with Donna wishing her passengers well as they land in Cleveland, having become a pilot.  暮光之城英语读后感5

  About six years ago, the movie Twight was a great success, hundred of teenagers became the fans. The movie tells about a girl named Bella who is falling in love with a vampire Edward, it seems that love can’t happen between them, but it happens. Bella ignores what other people tells her that she will get hurt and even get herself killed, she makes up her mind that she must be together with Edward. Bella’s love is so strong that she leaves everything behind. On my opinion, Bella’s love is not a wise choice, her strong love makes her turn deaf ears to others, even her parents. Bella’s love is such skin deep, she abandons her responsibility, she even puts herself in a dangerous situation. As an adult, we should be mature, such love is not acceptable. Love should be built in responsibility.


  TWILIGHT is an action-packed, modern-day love story between a teenage girl and a vampire. Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) has always been a little bit different, never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward is a vampire, but he doesn‘t have fangs (尖牙) and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood. Intelligent and witty, Edward sees straight into Bellas soul.

  Soon, they are swept up in a passionate, thrilling and unorthodox romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. TWILIGHT is a cultural phenomenon, with a dedicated fan base that eagerly awaits

  this movie.

  lifes wheel is rolling all the time, but time is freezed to him, as bella is growing older as time goes by.he stays young forever,but her youngth is mortal.

  please do not take it as just an uealistic love adventure, if you had, are having or are going to have some similar feelings on your love journey, this legendary "twilight" love story is the actual beautiful melody composed for you.

  Clashes is the keynote of novels, also the keynote of relationships and friendships in real life. Don’t bother to expect there always will be fairytales in your life.

  Understanding is the beginning of love trust is the basis.









