



  Today, my mother took me to learn Chinese painting. I learned how to draw shrimp with ink, and the teacher said that I would start learning ink painting from now on. Ink painting is very difficult. Painting shrimp is also very difficult. After that, I have to study hard, practice earnestly and become an excellent student.

  After school, aunt Lu came to pick us up. My mother took me to her house for a few minutes. My little brother and I watched TV, and my mother urged me to go home and do my homework. Yes, I can't just think about playing, don't delay doing homework!


  Today, I was walking home from school and saw my neighbor's grandfather planting garlic on the ground. I asked grandpa curiously, "can garlic be planted in the field?" Grandpa replied with a grin: "of course, garlic can also be planted in the soil, next year will receive more!"

  I saw grandpa planting garlic row by row in the soil evenly.

  On the second day, I couldn't wait to go to my grandfather's garlic place and look at it, and there was no movement. So I poured some water on the garlic, hoping that they would grow up quickly.

  On the morning of the third morning, I came to my grandfather's garlic growing place and found that garlic had sprout a little bit of sprout.

  On the sixth day, all the garlic came out of the soil, and the green garlic leaves were arranged neatly as if they were the fastest.

  Now the garlic planted by grandpa has already sent five garlic leaves. I admire Grandpa, grandpa is really a vegetable expert.


  There was a light snow this afternoon. After a while, there was a lot of snow outside.

  The trees, the cars, the grass roots and the flower roots are all dressed in silver, and they are very beautiful.

  In the evening, the snow stopped. My mother and I went outside to step on the snow in the bright moonlight. Although the snow is not too thick, it's fun to step on it. It happened that we met the big sister downstairs, so we played snowball. Our method is: knead, rub and roll snowball. From the table tennis to the ball. I took a snowball and threw a snowball in the air. It broke us all, and we laughed. Then my sister pulled me on the ice like a trolley, and I was very happy.

  I like snowy days very much.
