


  One day in the winter vacation, mother went home from work. He excitedly shouted: "Mom, guess what brings you?" "it must be delicious." I answered without thinking. "No," Speaking, mother took out a small box from behind and handed it to me. I took over the box curiously, and I could not wait to open a look. It turned out to be a lively and smart bird. I cautiously lifted it and looked carefully.

  This should be a just flying bird, the mouth has not faded yellow. A gray brown full-fledged clean, a pair of round small eyes and black light, panic around four.

  Carelessly, the bird broke away from my hands and flew towards the window. I wanted to fly out. I didn't expect to bump into the windowpane and fall on the windowsill, but it was still unwilling to fly up and down. I can not help but pitiful birds, I think, birds should live in the embrace of nature and fly freely. So, I said to my mother, "Mom, let's put the bird! I can't see my mom and dad. The birds are so scared." My mother was looking at me, and then enjoy the voice said: "my son grow up. The bird has already given you, you say it. " I am happy to thanks mom, holding the bird ran downstairs.

  Came downstairs on the ground, I gently loosen the hands, the bird "bass" to fly to the sky, quickly fly away. I see the bird flying back to the birds, snuggling up to the bird's father and mother's mother, telling the story of a good young boy in the story...


  During the winter vacation, I was idle at home and went to grandma's home to play.

  When she came to grandma's house, I saw that grandma was making a fire. I saw it soon, and I wanted to try. So I said to the granny who was burning, "grandma, let me make a fire!" Did not think of grandma unexpectedly categorically said: "no.!" Do not change this trick: "grandma, my grandmother, let me try it, just a minute!" Grandma could not resist my persistence, readily agreed. So I took the match immediately and sat in front of the kitchen.

  "Chi", lit, a gentle and brilliant light. I immediately took a straw like something lit into the kitchen. I'm afraid the fire will go out soon, so I put a lot of firewood in. "Wow," the fire suddenly busy up, but soon went out, but also emitting a smell of smoke, choking me coughing. So I said, "the country and the city are not the same, and even a gas stove is not!" After that, I lit a match and threw it in. But it soon went out. The smoke not only did not dissipate, but it was thicker. I can't eat this time, choking out of the kitchen. Grandma washing meters, see my gray appearance, smiled and said: "who said the fire must be good?" As my grandmother said that, my head went down involuntarily. But I immediately regain confidence: "a word can never be withdrawn." said we should do. I must have a good fire! " So I went to the front of the kitchen, and then, I learned the old people to take a fan with a fan. There was no smoke, but the smoother was smaller. Not easy to fan the fire, open the pot to see, the rice just put in. So I had to pick up the fan and fan it again.

  When I went home that day, my face had already become a big face in Beijing Opera!
