



  Looking back on this, I realize that whatever challenges I am faced with, I will spare no effort and never give up. I’m sure to achieve final victory and become what I should be.


  After reading the passage, I felt very angry with the driver. It was what he did that did shock me. I can’t believe the driver is so cruel. Generally speaking, the responsibility of a bus driver is to serve people. However, the driver is short of essential occupational morality. Having known the woman’s arm was stuck in the bus door, he continued to drive his bus. What an evil-minded driver!


  In my view, it takes time to build good relationship with others. You can’t expect to become good friends with someone soon after you meet him. You also can’t expect to become good friends with others if you do not spend time with them.


  As far as I’m concerned, mental problems are serious problems both in universities and middle schools. I believe physical and mental health is more important than good grades. Therefore, parents and teachers should first pay attention to students’ feelings. Only when they feel it fun to study, can they learn their lessons well.


  Personally, I appreciate this new form of education. It can provide different learners with more flexible ways to learn. Most of all, with online education, we can absorb the latest knowledge.


  First of all, since the whole world is full of peer pressure, we have to know that it is not easy for us to avoid it. Secondly, find out the truth about something and you’ll really feel better.
