


  We love the homeland, picturesque scenery, old times。

  Because of love, the green leaves shine silently under the Golden COW mountain。

  Because there is love, the waves in the water bloom quietly canglang;

  Because of love, Liu Xiang took the gold medal in the 100m runway。

  Because of love, Ye Xin sprinkles warm blood before SARS!

  Today, the topic I speak for you is: because of love。

  The most loved ones in the world are parents and children, and we do not know how many parents and sons and daughters owe to our work。 Our head nurse's son is a lovely 4 year old boy, and we call him a cub。 Because of his parents' busy work, he often stays in her grandmother's house。 Sometimes, his mother answers him。 Guess what he said? "I don't go to your house, every day only knows work, surgery, and do not accompany me, I want to stay in my own home。" Childish words make people laugh, but laugh behind it has a kind of sad? Once, the cub was sick, he kept coughing and had a high fever。 The grandmother took the snow to him in the operation room, and the people in the Department felt uncomfortable。 But the head nurse couldn't get rid of it because of the operation。 He didn't even hug his son。 He said, "go to Daddy。" Who knew Dad was busy too, and asked him to come to the operation room。 "Is it important for your son, or is it important for your department?" My grandmother was so angry that he didn't know what to say。 Friend, who does not love his own child? Golgi said: love the child, this is the hen。 Poor boy but his disease medicine parents around, as a mother can't take care of her sick child is what kind of helpless? But as a nurse can throw away everything to take care of more sick people, what is this for? Because there is love!

  If the spirit of selfless dedication is our eternal pursuit, then the noble virtuous morality is the life we cherish! One day, Doctor Liu of our department went to see the patient before the operation。 When he left, he felt that the bag seemed to move。 It was a red bag and hurried back to his family。 "During the anesthesia count on you, is not too?" Looking at the eyes that the patient depends on, thinking of the red packet is undoubtedly the best tranquilizer for him, and the return of the red packet has not been successful。 The anesthesia was satisfactory and the operation was successful。 Dr。 Liu took out his red bag at the return visit。 "Hey, I sincerely thank you。 Please take it。" It is still unsuccessful to return the red package。 Thinking of the difficult situation of the patient, the pain of the body, and the huge amount of medical expenses, this red bag is like a stone on his heart, making him unhappy。 He said to his wife, "we are all children of poor families, but we have done what we should do。 Patients can not afford to work now, and even can not afford to pay for hospitalization。 How can I get their hard—earned money?" "Back and back, it is better to give the hospital, let the hospital back。" The wife admired the husband's practice and put forward the suggestion。 When he came out of the hospital office, he thought that with such money, the patient could spend more days on his days, and he could stay for several days。 His pace could not help but be very light, and his smiling face was as bright as the sunshine outside the window。 Three return envelopes, although this is not like Wang as the heroic self sacrifice and the spirit of self sacrifice, is not the same? As an ordinary doctor, can care, urgent emergency patients, adherence to ethics, lastly, this is for what? Or because of love!

  Because of love, in a sunny day, we listen to the concerto cutlery and needle forceps; because there is love, beginning in the sleepless moment, we feel the life and death of the symphony。

  In July 6th the accident still at present。 More than nine in the morning, the fast footsteps and calls came from the outside of the operation room: save the people quickly! Quick rescue! We were reflexed to the gate, and we immediately took the patient to the operation and ran to ask the injury。 The more than 40 patients poured in and did not see such an emergency in the movie。 All surgery patients accounted for over, lying on the ground, just like the battlefield countless wounded as mud eyeful is spread all across in confusion, facial features and limbs bleeding。 Like the warriors on the back of the gun, the anesthesiologist brought in the intubation apparatus, the monitor, the nurse prepared the infusion set and the operation bag。 The operation between a hectic atmosphere, calm and resolute voice sounded from time to time: fast infusion, oxygen therapy, artificial respiration, cardiac massage。。。。。。 At three p。m。, through the leadership of the conductor and the help of the brothers department, the battle that did not smoke was finally finished。 At this time, the hospital and nursing department leaders personally sent us reeky meals, repeatedly said: everyone! At this time, nobody noticed her hands and clothes were covered with blood, sweat soaked hats and masks。 Everyone devoured all the food, as if it had never been delicious and satisfied。 Yes, because there is love, a badly mutilated patients back ward; because of love, we also gain the leadership and the people of our concern and affirmation! Friends, if our hospital is a towering tree, we are connected with the trunk information pulse leaves; if the life—saving cause is a surging river, we are quietly bloomed in the torrent of spray。

  Because the green leaves have love, the Jinniu Mountain is so high and upright。

  Because the waves of love, it has a long history of Canglang water;

  Because of Liu Xiang's love, China's track and field is full of hope;

  Because ye Xin has love, she is always admired by us。

  Because we have love, we will be able to heal more brilliant writing career!
