


  Some people put their bicycles away once they learn how to drive a car. For many people, bicycling is not just an easy way of getting around town but also an exciting sport. 1..

  One kind of race is the time trial. Each racer leaves the starting line at a different time and heads hard for the finish line. The cyclist who covers the distance in the shortest amount of time wins the race. 2., because the bicycles are spread out and are not likely to run into each other.

  Another kind of race is more difficult. A few city blocks are closed to traffic. Then all the racers line up in a tight pack and begin racing at the same time. 3.. The race requires more than speed. It also requires skillful handling of the bicycle as it runs at full speed around other bicycles. The racer who completes all the laps first is the winner.

  4.. Racers have to cover anywhere from 35 miles to almost 3,000 miles. The race course may be a straight stretch of road or a long series of roads across the country. The prize goes to the first person who crosses the finish line.

  Between races cyclists stay in condition by doing exercise that builds their strength so that they can keep riding for long periods of time. 5., they often join bicycling groups and become licensed racers. Then they can enter special races all over the country. If you’re a cyclist, keep practicing. You could become a star.

  A. As cyclists become more experienced

  B. A time trial is a very safe race for beginners

  C. Serious cyclists often arrange to take part in races

  D. Road races are usually the longest cycling contests

  E. Most people will seize possible chances to get around town

  F. They cover many laps, going around and around the city blocks

  G. When cyclists still need to build themselves up for those special races


  Every year, the fifth graders at Brookstone Elementary went on a field trip to Washington, DC. Terence ______ the exciting trip, and was ______ to go next year.

  Terence asked his parents ______ if they would pay for half of the trip if he earned the other half of the money himself. His parents ______. He had almost a year to earn $150. His first ______ was to earn money baby-sitting, and he typed a nice letter ______ that he would baby-sit during his neighbors’______. He named a few afternoons available and said he would ______ $1 per hour per child. After five baby-sitting ______, he earned $45.

  When the ______ weather arrived, Terence knocked on his neighbors’ doors to ask if they needed help with ______ work. He helped with mowing (修剪) and weeding gardens. After the summer was over, he earned $75. When the fall arrived, he counted his money and ______ that he still needed $40 for his trip. Soon his mom saw a(n) ______ for a job for him. He got a job ______ newspapers every Wednesday afternoon, making 5 cents for every paper, $10 ______ each Wednesday. It wasn’t long before he had ______ money to go on the trip to Washington, DC. He was _____ in time. The class trip was on October 15. His mom and dad gave him a check for the $150 they ______ him. What a great feeling! He helped ______ the cost of his trip.

  This experience ______ Terence in many ways, making his dream a reality with great efforts.

  1.A. prepared forB. laid outC. referred toD. heard about

  2.A. dyingB. gratefulC. luckyD. proud

  3.A. curiouslyB. casuallyC. anxiouslyD. briefly

  4.A. submittedB. agreedC. bargainedD. refused

  5.A. ideaB. jobC. conclusionD. suggestion

  6.A. declaringB. confirmingC. showingD. saying

  7.A. stayB. companyC. interactionD. absence

  8.A. payB. spendC. chargeD. donate

  9.A. negotiationsB. sessionsC. attemptsD. interviews

  10.A. warmB. fineC. unusualD. changeable

  11.A. yardB. paperC. schoolD. volunteer

  12.A. admittedB. determinedC. complainedD. insisted

  13.A. directoryB. permitC. advertisementD. email

  14.A. editingB. updatingC. printingD. delivering

  15.A. at onceB. on timeC. after allD. in total

  16.A. extraB. muchC. enoughD. easy

  17.A. justB. evenC. everD. still

  18.A. owedB. lentC. promisedD. ordered

  19.A. countB. coverC. estimateD. reduce

  20.A. astonishedB. shapedC. excitedD. impressed



  Every Wednesday at 7 pm, a group of running enthusiasts from different countries gather at a bar in Shanghai before setting 1. on their 5-kilometer run. But this is no ordinary run. These people 2. (arm) with trash (垃圾) bags. The members of this group don’t simply run for the sake of good health. They do it for the sake of the Earth 3.well.

  Called “plogging”, this new fitness activity originated in Sweden in 20xx and was introduced to Shanghai in 20xx. The term is a combination of the words “jogging” and “plocka upp”, 4. means “pick up” in Swedish.

  By the summer of 20xx, just a few months after Trash Running China was founded, 5. (it) WeChat group had grown to include more than 400 runners. To make the activity more fun for both 6. (newcomer) and regular ploggers, Trash Running China also 7. (frequent) organizes longer weekend runs in the suburban areas. “We want more people to hold small ‘plogging’ groups and have a 8. (responsible) to organize trash running activities in their own neighborhoods,” says Eisenring, who founded Trash Running China. “ ‘Plogging’ is a way 9. (know) the people and the city a bit more,” says Robbin Trebbe, one of the 10. (late) runners to join the group.








  As everybody know, parents are worried too much about their child, especially when the young meet with challenges. So do my parents. They are even more nervous than I when a important test is coming. I have been thinking about talked to them. I’ll let them know I have a goal and will work hard to achieve them. When they are convincing that I’ll be responsible for that what I should do, they surely won’t feel worried. Please keep in mind that our parents love us unconditional. I hope my thought can be helpful to you in dealing the relationship with your parents.六、提纲类作文

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