



  现在我会提出我的第一个问题——什么是艺术?嗯,鲁欣,什么是艺术? 根据我们的课本第一册第108页,我们可以了解到艺术经常被认为是一种有意地去安排某种元素使之能够吸引人的情感的过程或者是产品。



  呃,就我自己而言,我觉得艺术能够带给我们的最重要的就是一种享受。 哦,我太同意不过了。然而让我依然还有一些可以补充的东西。首先,艺术可以让我们有机会去了解一些大师的作品,开阔我们的视野。其次,艺术可以提高我们的鉴赏能力,提高我们的审美水平。最后,艺术还可以调解一个人的心情,让人过一种健康愉悦的生活。






Ladies and gentlemen:

  I thank you for being here.

  I'm going to get straight to the point.

  All traditional learning methods are futile.

  Most college graduates still can't speak fluent English. This proves English students aren't learning.

  Some people seem to speak English well.

  Chinese think these people speak great English

  because they don't know the difference.

  American think these people speak great English becausethey are non-nativeEnglish speakers anyway.

  Don't think you can learn English by hanging around Americans. Don't think you can master English by going abroad.

  WhyBecause what you learn is vague and limitied.

  You pick up a little here today.

  You pick up a little there tomorrow.

  You end up saying almost the same thing every day.

  English is like an ocean.

  There is no limit to what you can learn.

  You cannot learn aimlessly.

  You should learn to speak first.

  Make speaking English your number one priority.

  Once you start to speak,the rest will be easy.

  Learning to speak English is not a big deal.

  It's not that difficult.

  It's no more than a speaking technique.

  It's just like children learning to speak.

  They momic their mother's voices.

  When they're alone,they speak to themselves.

  We started off the wrong way right from the beginning. We don't need to learn grammar.

  We don't need to analyze sentences.

  Children don't need to learn how to write.

  They don't need to learn K.K. phonetics.

  They don't even need to leran the ABCs

  before they can speak English.

  All you have to do is listen to the CD and follow it. Learn through intense repetition.

  Speak to yourself from dawn to dust.

  With this method,you'll enjoy speaking English. You'll discover it's lots of fun.

  It will become your passion.

  You'll enjoy interacting.

  You'll look forward to meeting people.

  Breaking the ice will be a piece of cake.
