

  Your clear mandate has enabled me to form a strong Cabinet. My new team comprises bothexperienced Ministers who will provide steady hands in a challenging environment, andyounger Ministers who will bring new perspectives and ideas. They will have to master theissues quickly and ready themselves to lead Singapore.

  My first objective in forming this Cabinet is, as always, to provide the most effectivegovernment for Singapore. We are entering a new phase of our nationhood. We face morecomplex challenges and new issues that cut across multiple domains. Therefore, I haveappointed Coordinating Ministers to oversee work in three major areas.

  The first area is national security, which remains a vital precondition of our success. The SAFand Home Team have kept us safe, but new dangers and threats are emerging around us.ISIS and jihadist terrorists are a serious problem for Southeast Asia and Singapore, becausethey threaten our physical safety and our racial harmony. Tensions in the South China Sea areunsettling our region. Political problems or racial tensions in neighbouring countries cancomplicate bilateral relations, or spill over to affect our society. Therefore, I have kept DPMTeo Chee Hean in charge of national security.

  Another area is economic and social policies, which form a major part of our agenda. With anageing population and uncertain global conditions, growth will be harder to come by. Yet oureconomy must grow to create opportunities for Singaporeans and to improve our lives. At thesame time, we must use the fruits of growth wisely, both to invest in our future and tostrengthen our social safety nets. Every citizen should benefit from Singapore's success, andthose needing an extra helping hand should be looked after. DPM Tharman will oversee thiscritical area.

  The final major area is infrastructure. Goodinfrastructure provides the physical basis for ourquality of life, and our economic competitiveness.Compared to most other countries, we have donewell. Singaporeans live in good homes, enjoy a well-planned, green environment, and travel in anefficient public transport system. But we haveambitious plans to build on what we already haveover the next 20-30 years to create a new city, andan outstanding living environment for all of us.We also know where we need to do more work to improve standards and to remedyshortcomings. Khaw Boon Wan will be responsible for making Singapore a beautiful andendearing home for all of us.

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