

  Ladies and Gentlemen, Syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the international community, and is likely to figure prominently in the speeches and meetings during the General Debate segment, and rightly so. The Assembly has a role and a voice in our efforts to resolve it and respond to the suffering and I will soon have an opportunity of reporting to, directly after this session is over.


  Syria is without doubt the biggest crisis facing the international community, but at the same time we need to look at a broader picture – global development as well as regional conflict. As for regional conflict or peace issues, we will hold a meeting of the oversight mechanism for the peace agreement that the United Nations brokered earlier this year for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes Region.


  The Middle East Quartet -- consisting of the United Nations, the European Union, Russia and the United States -- will meet for the first time in more than a year to support the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that have recently reconvened.
