


  暑假,本是一个同学们期望己久的快乐时光,可以痛痛快快地玩了,早上再也没有了令人讨厌的闹钟声…可是我们那些望子成龙,望女成凤的宝妈们,却早早为我们安排好了一切:每天早上去辅导班,每天中午去辅导班,每天下午去辅导班。我每天在问天问地,到底是谁发明了辅导班!剥夺了我看电视的时间,如果让我知道是谁,我要把那个人视为我的仇人。  一年级我的暑假英语作文三

  How time flies, the twinkling of an eye a summer vacation is over.

  In this summer vacation I do a lot of things, like swimming, my grandfather took me to the nine light city to go swimming, I would have learned how to swim, but haven't swim back for a long time, my grandfather took me to swim, to practice. Grandpa to painting and help me to quote the hard-pen calligraphy class, and I can put the word practice more beautiful, beautiful. In July I also help my grandma do the green bean soup, green bean soup inside to put green beans, rice, kumquat, jujube, etc. I know how to make green bean soup tastes good. Put the materials into the bowl, then pour water and sugar, stick a few drops of peppermint essence with chopsticks.

  Do you like this summer vacation?

