


  The earth is the mother of mankind, the survival of mankind cannot leave her. Earth has taken a knock. How can we stand? He said my house on the west side of the river! Previously, the stream on the bottom, there are a lot of fish, shrimp swimming freely in it, all day live a carefree life, the river is full of vitality. At that time I like to play there. Now, because of the big cities site random discharge of sewage, and people are constantly littering. Disappeared, the vibrant river became a smelly sewage river, I don't like it!

  Nowadays, many wild animals become a plate of food. Without these lovely animals, our life will become special boring. Rose up in the morning, can't hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, that is bad!

  Patches of forest became less factories. The lawn into a wasteland, beautiful grassland into desert. Why is this? This is because people caused by deforestation.

  Human survival depends on the environment, the environment depends on human protection. Do humans have that moment didn't wake up until the end of the earth? I call on: to protect the environment! We act together.





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