

  The dishonest people sometimes can get benefit from their behaviors. So some people assert that dishonesty can bring people benefit,while honesty only makes people suffer. Is that so? Definitely not. It is always true that honesty is the best policy. It pays to be honest. The cheater selling "the treasure" mentioned above will surely be disclosed and punished some day. On the contrary, if he had been honest, neither the buyer nor he himself would have suffered. The people who do not return money in time will sooner or later become notorious, and will not get the money from others again. If he had acted differently, he would have earned respect and trust, meanwhile, the bank would not have suffered from loss.

  In summary, honesty can not only benefit others but also oneself. We should be honest.



  不诚实的人们有时可以受益于他们的行为。所以一些人断言不诚实能让人受益,而诚实只会让人痛苦。是这样吗?绝对不会。它总是真实的,诚实是最好的政策。诚实是有好处的。上面提到的骗子卖“宝藏”有一天肯定会公布处罚。相反,如果他一直诚实,无论是买方还是他自己就会受到影响。不退货的人迟早会变得臭名昭著,又不会得到别人的钱。如果他采取完全不同的行动,他会赢得尊重和信任,与此同时,银行就不会遭受损失。  总之,诚实不仅有益于他人,也可以自己。我们应该诚实。

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