

  通过对大概320位年龄在8岁到3岁之间的小孩的采访,鹿特丹大学(Erasmus University Rotterdam)的彼得·缪里斯(Peter Muris)及其同事发现,孩子们也把克服恐惧等同视为勇敢的表现,超过70%的调查对象声称自己进行了一或多项勇敢的行为,包括搭救跌落泳池的小弟弟,拯救树上的一个小猫咪,晚上穿越树林骑车回家,以及从妈妈钱包里偷东西——是的,这些都会令心跳加速,好吧。

  Joel Berger, a biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society and the University of Montana, also distinguishes between animals that behave boldly for lack of experience — like mockingbirds unfamiliar with humans that will alight on the rim of a person's cup to take a drink — and those that are aware of a danger but proceed in the face of it.

  乔尔·博格(Joel Berger),野生动物保护协会及蒙大拿大学的一位生物学家,也把缺乏经验而行为大胆的动物区分出来——像不熟悉人类的嘲鸟会飞落到某人杯子的边缘喝上一口——而那些意识到危险的则会弃之不顾继续飞行。

  He cited the time he and his colleagues had immobilized a young bison in preparation for taking blood samples, and when they returned, an unrelated adult male bison was standing guard over the yearling, refusing to let the scientists approach.


  "He knew that he could be attacked by us, and there was no genetic kinship involved," said Dr. Berger. "Courage may be a human construct, but I'd call this a courageous, even heroic act."

