

  Seeking to capture the sensation of courage in real time, Yadin Dudai, a neurobiologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and his colleagues scanned the brains of people with a known phobia toward snakes as they were confronted with a live, large, harmless but indubitably serpentine corn snake.

  为了能实时捕捉到勇敢的体验,以色列雷霍沃特魏茨曼科学研究所的也丁·杜代(Yadin Dudai)及其同事,在一个放有一条大型的、活体的、无害的但是的确是蛇无疑的玉米锦蛇的现场扫描了一位已知对蛇有恐惧感的人的大脑。

  Lying in the scanner, the subjects could choose either to allow a box holding the snake to come closer, or to keep it away. As reported last June in the journal Neuron, the participants who squelched their terror and pressed the "snake approach" button showed activation of a brain region called the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex.


  Located toward the front of the brain, the structure has been implicated in depression and, intriguingly, altruistic behavior, and is thought to help negotiate between emotion and cognition, impulse and calculation.


  The thumb-size bundle of neurons acknowledges the yellow belly within but then moves to stanch its quivering power. And it does this in large part by dialing down the activity of the amygdala, long known as the brain's central headquarters of fear.

