




  Personal information


  Don't sex: female

  Learn through: college degree and high is 158 CM

  Cadastral penetration: guangdong of birth: 1983-03-28

  Located at present: the luohu district

  School: university of electronic science and technology

  Major: class = > philosophy

  Working experience: above five years The current annual salary: confidential/year

  Early to apply for a job a: accounting


  Seeking position: accounting

  Cover areas: nanshan district shenzhen luohu district futian district yantian district light ping shan district Longhua new district

  Salary: negotiable/month

  Arrive time: the instant

  Self assessment: I am a honest, steadfast, has the good psychological quality, using kingdee financial software, OFFICE and other OFFICE software skilled, strong communication and coordination skills. Years of accounting experience in shenzhen has accumulated rich experience and professional accounting knowledge, familiar with the shenzhen special zone of the tax law, the general taxpayer, middle and small scale taxpayer wholesale operations. Would like to appreciate my team grow up together, my in the mind think the life of the enterprise is my second life. May my professional knowledge to serve your company.


  Education and training

  Start-stop time college name Major professional degree

  University of electronic science and technology accounting college of 2012.05 to 2013.06

  1996.09 ~ 1999.07 fengshun fuxing county overseas Chinese middle school, high school

  Working experience (1)

  Company: shenzhen xin source technology co., LTD Company business: clothing/textile/leather

  Duration: in March 2007 to May 2007 inauguration departments: administration department

  The company properties: office other positions: administrative specialist/assistant

  Job description: assist administration department manager to achieve company administration work and department internal daily routine work, in charge of management review and revise the company rules and regulations, daily administrative work of organization and management; Foreign related department contact reception, internal receiving visitors, answering calls, solutions consulting and information work, completes the materials collection, file management, document drafting, official documents, sending and receiving, assist to handle the interview reception, meeting and training, the company collective activity organization and arrangement, the holiday sympathy, etc.

  Working experience (2)

  Company: shenzhen source xingda auto co., LTD Company business: automobile and auto parts

  Working time: June 2008 to October 2008 inauguration departments: finance

  The nature of the company: other inauguration position: accounting

  Job description: 1, the company for the maintenance industry, during which is responsible for the company's financial accounting account set up, all responsible for the company's accounting, including the preparation of vouchers, write all kinds of accounting statements to the tax authorities, fill the annual report, etc., cost accounting and control form. 2, responsible for the account with accounting, accounting receivable, accounts payable, assist chief accountant for other daily work, cash management. Assists in establishing management system of cash, bank deposit, the fixed assets management system, review the daily expense reimbursement and purchase plan.

  Working experience (3)

  Company: shenzhen sheng electronics technology industry co., LTD. Company: Internet/electronic commerce

  Duration: December 2009 to May 2009 inauguration departments: financial department

  The nature of the company: other inauguration position: accounting

  Job description: the company is the general taxpayer enterprises, during this period is responsible for the set of financial accounts of the company set up, gradually establish and perfect the system of financial management and accounting process, expense management system, establish and improve the company goods procurement management system, fully responsible for the company's overall accounting, financial budget, apply, analysis of costs and expenses and control, receivable meet and customer qualification analysis, prepare a list of the sales profit analysis, tax statements, on a regular basis to the general manager timely submit the information about the financial situation analysis.




  性 别: 女

  学 历: 大专 身 高: 158 CM

  籍 贯: 广东 出生年月: 1983-03-28

  目前所在地: 罗湖区

  毕业院校: 电子科技大学

  主修专业: 哲学类 => 哲学

  工作经验: 五年以上 目前年薪 : 保密 /年

  预求职位: 会计

  求 职 意 向

  寻求职位: 会计

  求职地区: 罗湖区 福田区 南山区 宝安区 龙岗区 盐田区 光明新区 坪山新区 龙华新区

  工资待遇: 面议/月

  到岗时间: 即时

  自我评价: 本人为人诚实、踏实、具有良好的心理素质,熟练运用金蝶财务软件、OFFICE等办公软件,有较强的沟通、协调能力。多年的深圳会计工作经历积累了丰富的工作经验和会计专业知识,熟悉深圳特区的税法、一般纳税人、中小规模纳税人全盘操作。 愿与欣赏我的团队一起成长,我心里认为企业的生命就是我的第二生命。愿我的专业知识能够服务于贵公司。


  教 育 培 训

  起止时间 就读院校名称 主修专业 学历

  2012.05~2013.06 电子科技大学 会计 大专

  1996.09~1999.07 丰顺县华侨中学 高中

  工 作 经 验 (1)

  就职公司: 深圳市欣业源新技术有限公司 公司行业: 服装/纺织/皮革

  就职时间: 2007年3月到2008年5月 就职部门: 行政部

  公司性质: 其它 就职职位: 行政专员/助理

  工作描述: 协助行政部经理完成公司行政事务工作及部门内部日常事务工作,协助审核、修订公司各项管理规章制度,进行日常行政工作的组织与管理;对外相关部门联络接待,对内接待来访、接听来电、解答咨询及传递信息工作 ,做好材料收集、档案管理、文书起草、公文制定、文件收发等工作,协助办理面试接待、会议、培训、公司集体活动组织与安排,节假日慰问等工作。

  工 作 经 验 (2)

  就职公司: 深圳市源兴达汽车有限公司 公司行业: 汽车及零配件

  就职时间: 2008年6月到2009年10月 就职部门: 财务

  公司性质: 其它 就职职位: 会计

  工作描述: 1、该公司为维修行业,在此期间负责公司财务帐务帐套设立,负责公司帐务处理,包括编制凭证、编写各种账务报表向税务机关申报纳税、填制年度报表等,成本核算及表格制作控制。 2、负责往来帐目核算,应收、应付帐款核算,协助主管会计进行其它日常工作,现金管理。协助制订现金、银行存款管理制度,固定资产管理制度,复核日常费用的报销及采购计划。

  工 作 经 验 (3)

  就职公司: 深圳市盛时电子科技有限公司 公司行业: 互联网/电子商务

  就职时间: 2009年12月到2013年5月 就职部门: 财务部

  公司性质: 其它 就职职位: 会计

  工作描述: 该公司为一般纳税人企业,在此期间负责公司财务帐套设立、逐步建立和完善公司财务管理制度及会计核算流程,建立健全公司费用报销管理制度,物品购销管理制度,全面负责公司全盘帐务、资金预算、运用、成本、费用的分析及控制、应收应付及客户资信度分析,编制销售利润分析表、税务报表、定期及时向总经理报送分析有关财务状况资料。




















