小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计(3)


  小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计3


  本模块的话题是个人喜好。Unit 1的课文情景是熊猫Panpan和朋友们相互介绍自己喜欢的体育运动,他们发现大家都喜欢足球,就决定一起去踢足球。但是当Panpan想打开书包把自己的足球拿出来时,却发现书包破了一个洞,足球不知道哪里去了。




  说:能表达个人喜好I like… We like… They like…





  新单词:like, lion, them, all, play, with, together;句型I like…We like… They like…介绍喜好。


  知识基础:学生在上一单元已经学习过football, basketball以及ping-pong

  能力起点:学生能够在启发之下使用I like 表达自己喜欢的运动。


  多媒体 黑板



  1. Greeting

  T: Hello, boys and girls.

  S: Hello, teacher.

  T: How are you?

  S: I’m fine. Thank you.

  T: Great!

  In this class, I’ll divide you into football team and basketball team. You’re football team and you’re basketball team.

  2. Warm-up:Let’s play a game.

  I do, you guess

  T: 做动作big, small, short, tall, fat, thin

  T: Look! What’s this? (表演monkey)


  T:Who can act?


  T: Do you like animals? Yes or no?

  S: Yes.

  T: What animals do you like?

  You can say “I like…”

  师板书 I like…

  T: Read after me “like” 给学生看一下汉语意思

  (请同学读 You two)

  What animals do you like?

  S: I like…

  T: I like them all. (指着ppt上的动物合集,表现all)

  Read after me “them”. Look at my mouth “th” “them” (给学生看一下汉语意思)

  T:(拿出all的单词卡)all (比划一下)What’s the meaning?

  S: 全部

  T: Look! Lions are big.

  Cats are small. (引导学生描述动物特征)

  Great!Let’s have a chant. (让学生跟读一下第一部分的chant)


Step2、Lead in.

  1、T: I like animals. And I like football, too. Who likes football?


  T: We like football.

  Read after me. (跟读句子2遍)

  板书句子We like…

  T: I like football. What do you like? (同时展示下一张ppt,图片是其他运动,避免孩子想不出说什么)

  (问3-4个学生,听到说喜欢足球的提示学生使用I like football, too.)

  T:You like football, too. We like football. (比划一下We, 让学生理解一下)

  2. Pair work

  Now work in pairs. Find out what you both like?

  T: Who can show us?

  S: We like…

  (最后一组同桌请到讲台前,指着他们说They like…)

  3. T: Who likes…?

  (让学生到前面来,指着他们说They like…)

  板书They like…

  T: I have some pictures. Let’s see what they like?

  T: What do they like?

  S: They like kites.

  They like apples.

  They like dolphins.



  1、 T: We like many things, but do you know what Panpan likes?

  Let’s watch the video and find the answers.

  (Play the video)

  T: What does Panpan like?

  S: Football and basketball.

  T: Right! Panpan likes football and basketball.

  板书Panpan likes…

  T: Open your book. Let’s read again. Ok?


  T: (拿出单词卡)Read after me “play”“with”

  ppt展示play with a dog

  play with a toy car

  Show another picture

  T: play together

  Read after me “together”.

  2. Role play

  T: Read in groups. Let’s do the role play.


  3. Let’s chant

  Football, football. I like football.

  Ping-pong, ping-pong. We like ping-pong.

  Basketball, basketball. They like basketball.

  Together, together. Let’s play together.

Step 4 Practice

  Play a game

  T: Let’s play a game. Let’s see who has a good memory.

  Who wants to try?


  T: What do you like? (领着学生说)

  S1: I like…

  S2: I like…

  S3: I like…

  S4: I like…

  T: What does he like?

  What does she like?

  S: He likes…

  S: She likes…

Step 5 Summary


  Module9 Unit1 I like football.

  I like… Panpan likes…

  We like… He likes…

  They like… She likes…


  1. 不要有男生女生分开读的环节。

  2. 专家建议单词在课文情景中去表现,没必要在课文之前讲。

  3. 学生在做调查的时候完全没有用到英语,建议用情景剧的形式作为拓展练习。

  4. 课文感觉利用的不充分。

  5. 注意对优秀教案的模仿。

  6. 关注学生,环节的推进要根据学生的掌握程度。

【小学三年级英语《I like football.》教学设计(精选3篇)】相关文章:

1.小学英语作文:I Like English我爱英语

2.七年级英语下册《I was born in a small village》教学设计新版外研版

3.初二英语《What should I do》说课稿范文


5.《Unit3 Why do you like koalas 》教学反思




上一篇:初一下册英语Unit 6 说课稿下一篇:小学英语作文:我有一个梦想I Have A Dream