

  Article three: planting trees

  Chen Jiang and Li went to the south of the park. They found a good place. Chen Jiang dug a pit. Li Lu carefully put the seedlings in the pit. Chen Jiang said, "I began to fill it up!" Li Lu said, "good!"

  Chen Jiang's front arch, back leg bandage, hands clenched the spade, as if the whole body is exerting force, Li Lu's focus, looking at the tree, hands clenched tree trunk, afraid that small trees crooked. Chen Jiang was sweating and blushed. Although it was still cold in the early spring, Chen Jiang and Li were hot to open their clothes. Chen Jiang said to Li Lu weakly, "this soil is hard, I don't want to grow again."

  Li Lu said, "Chen Jiang, you must stick to it. If you stick to it, in a few years, when we come here, we can get cool, play and read." Chen Jiang listened more energetically, and Chen Jiang filled up the soil. Li Lu picked up the bucket and fetched water, one, two, three, four times... They watered the young trees, and the little trees drank the delicious water and shook them gently in the wind as if they were thanking them. The flowers next to them also emit fragrance, praising them as a good child who loves the environment. People in the distance are working in full swing, talking and laughing. It is really bustling. People have planted many trees, sweat a lot, but insist on adding a green to the motherland.

  Next spring will be green and our planet will be a green planet.

  Article four: planting trees

  The annual Arbor Day is coming, and we begin to protect trees and trees. Most people think that trees and trees should be protected only on tree planting day. My view is the opposite. We can not protect trees and trees on tree planting day. We should protect trees and trees.

  Hundreds of millions of years ago, when the earth was led by animals, the animals were flourishing, full of vitality, and full of green. However, the IQ was far higher than the human presence of the rest of the animals, and the plants were dramatically reduced by magic. That's because human beings cut down trees to build houses. Some of them are required to trade large quantities of felling trees for the purpose of building buildings. It was because many people cut down trees and trees without authorization that they were badly damaged.

  It's a lot of bad to cut trees. It is known that trees can regenerate carbon dioxide, and if a large number of trees are cut down, the number of trees will decrease dramatically, and the carbon dioxide we exhale can not be circulated. Dense trees can block dust storms, in the first two years Beijing suffered a sandstorm, and all the cities were covered by sand, which was caused by a lack of trees.

  Everyone knows the Central Plains city of two Bay. It used to be rags, the tiles of the flat houses, a hole in the East, a hole in the west, a wooden board made of a wooden board, and the streets filled with garbage, dirty, and the big talk of 2 devices to set the serial number. At the beginning, the Central Plains two Bay City built an apartment, building, the river clear bottom, the river willow willow with the wind wiggle slightly, this is the people realize the respect of nature, the maintenance of the environment.

  I hope that everyone can protect trees, protect trees and add a bit of green to urban life.
