


  Article one: planting trees

  Spring has come, and the grass has seen the small green head from the ground. One blossoming of the colorful flowers opened. Willows grow green leaves and dance in the wind. The thawing river sings the beautiful music. The tree planting day is coming up again.

  Early this morning, my mother and I took a bundle of saplings and shovels and buckets to the small garden to plant trees. I first loosened the soil with my toy spade, and my mother digs it with a big spade and digs out a big hole. Then, I took out a small tree from the ground, carefully put it in the soil, and mother picked up the spade and put the soil around the pit back into the pit, and stepped on the soil with his feet, so a small tree was planted. I put up a bucket of water and slowly poured it in the roots of the small tree seedlings. I poured and said, "small tree seedlings, drink fast, drink enough, quickly take root, sprout quickly, grow up quickly!" The little tree seemed to have understood my words and drank a bucket of water in a moment.

  My mother and I worked hard for a long time to finish the bunch of saplings, and there were rows of saplings in the small garden. Looking at these rows of saplings, I seem to see a forest. I have a real sense of life today!

  Article two: planting trees

  The annual tree planting day has come. In the morning, the wind and the sun are beautiful, the warm wind blows the face. There are white clouds floating in the sky. Some are like horses eating grass on the grass, some are like butterflies dancing in flowers. The teacher led us to plant trees on the hillside. We fly like happy little birds to the hillside.

  On the hillside, some students moved trees, some carried holes with hoes, others carried shovels and shovelled dirt, and others carried buckets to fetch water at the riverside. They are working in full swing, with sweat and no face.

  I and Ling Ling, the monitor group. Look, how hard the monitor is doing! She saw her feet slightly open, and became a "eight" character, with her hands firmly holding up the saplings, for fear that the seedlings would fall down. Lingling bent and bent, with a small spade in his hand, filling the young tree with a spade. Fill in and fill up. The soil in the tree pit is filled. The saplings have been standing steadily. The head of the class opened his hand and stepped on the soil with his feet first. I slowly poured the water into the soil, and the seedlings "drink" the water, as if saying, "thank you, I will grow into a big tree." To cover the wind and rain for you! "

  As long as we all plant trees, our mother earth will become more beautiful.
