




  There are many kinds of people in the world, such as heroes, great people, celebrities, but the most common ordinary people around us. Today I want to talk about one of those ordinary people.


  During the Spring Festival, a sudden epidemic disrupted our lives, but the busy streets became cold and clear. People were afraid to go out for their own safety, but there were always many reversers, who insisted on their jobs for our convenience and safety. For example, doctors, mask factory workers, sanitation workers, bus drivers


  What I want to say is Uncle Li Qingfeng, the bus driver. During the epidemic, what the family cares about most is the news. There are many heroes in the news. From the news, I know the bus driver. He starts from home to the bus yard at 4:20 every day. It's not bright at that time. In order to prevent and control the epidemic, he has to do a lot of checks every day to ensure that he can get the key and start Before the bus disinfection, carefully check whether the anti epidemic notice is pasted, and confirm that the vehicle status is normal before departure.


  One day's work began. In the epidemic situation, we should do a good job in disinfection, especially in the armrest, seats and ballot boxes. When arriving at a platform, Li Qingfeng should remind passengers to wear masks and pay attention to personal protection. He said, "because I like this industry personally. Since I like this profession, I have to do my job well.". In this extraordinary period, to stick to the front-line posts and do a good job is to contribute to the epidemic. "


  In the most ordinary post, there are also the most ordinary people, doing the most ordinary things, it is these ordinary things that create a happy and harmonious society.


  Go China! Come on, Wuhan! The motherland is even greater because of these ordinary people.



  In the Spring Festival of 2020, the unexpected new coronal pneumonia virus broke the auspicious festival atmosphere. The epidemic, which originated in Wuhan and spread across the country, also diluted the joy of the new year and affected the hearts of the people all over the country.


  There is no love or affection. Medical staff are reluctant to care about reunion, abandon their wives and mothers, abandon their children and leave home. Risking their lives, more than 50 medical teams and 6000 medical workers have rushed to Wuhan One by one "letter of invitation", one by one letter of comfort to relatives, one by one burning heart of saving the dead and helping the wounded. The figures of angels in white make countless people cry. They are not afraid of life and death, brave and firm to fight against the epidemic and save lives. "The epidemic continues. We will not disperse. The words of a post-90s nurse in the "red area" of the epidemic moved countless people. The more difficult the disaster is, the more it will go forward. They are the most beautiful "rebel" in the new era, and the most respectable hero in our hearts.


  The epidemic situation is severe and there is a shortage of materials. Disaster in front of no color, no race, no borders. Caring people and volunteers donated money and materials in time. Foreign students tried their best to send protective equipment to China. Foreign friends also extended a helping hand to China. A batch of medical materials were transported to Hubei one by one. 


  Epidemic prevention and control is a fierce battle without gunsmoke, but it is a life-threatening battle. At one time, the whole country launched a long-lasting fight against the epidemic. "Visiting is killing each other, and gathering is seeking short-sightedness.", "this year's new year's Eve, we will not visit each other, we will visit the enemy, we will not open the door when the enemy comes" The slogan "the earth flavor" of the sentence is down to earth, like "debris flow", which is "heartless" but hard enough to achieve the purpose of epidemic prevention propaganda. In order to prevent the spread of the epidemic and effectively cut off the transmission channels, Party members, cadres and volunteers in the village set up checkpoints at the entrance of the village. They were not afraid of the cold, not afraid of the hard work, day and night on duty, to check the external personnel. Dad is one of them, and I'm very proud. As students, we can't rush to the front line, but we can do it: stay at home without visiting, wear masks when going out, wash hands frequently, ventilate more, don't believe in rumors, and don't spread rumors.


  The beginning of 2020 is very difficult, but this winter is also very warm because of the little bit of love. We can win the battle of epidemic prevention and control. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!
