


  Date of writing

  Name(Title)of receiver


  I am writing the letter to say thank you for______(Subject)

  Para1: reasons for writing the letter

  Para2: examples or details

  Para3: Ending: Thank you for… Para1--- Para3: Message

  Yours sincerely,_____ (Closing)

  (Signature) (打印)

  (Signature of sender) (手写)



  1. 在新的开头,第一节中明确表示感谢,即“开头言谢”;

  2. 信的主体部分要写出感谢的原因。如果原因不止一个,要分段写。每段写一个主题句,表明一个原因,再辅以具体的事例进行说明,使感谢落到实处,不让人产生客套或做作的感觉;

  3. 在信的结尾,还要把感谢的话再说一遍,并加上对对方的祝福。


  1. With many thanks to you for entertaining me so generously.非常感谢您如此慷慨大方的招待。

  2. Indeed I do not know how to express my appreciation for your valuable services.对您优质的服务我无以言谢。

  3. We express our sincere and hearty thanks for the favors you have done for us.衷心感谢您为我们所做的一切。

  4. It will give me much pleasure to do whatever I can in return for your favor.若能对您的好意有所回报,我将不胜荣幸。

  5. Please accept our warmest thanks for what you have done for us.您如此帮忙,请接受我们最热忱的谢意。


  1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your letter and for your kindness to me during my long illness.衷心地感谢您在我漫长的卧床期间给我来信,给我关心。

  2. I am grateful for your kind wishes for my success.感谢您对我成功的祝福。  3. Thank you very much for the letter of congratulation and the nice gift you sent to me.感谢您寄来的祝贺信及礼物。

  4. I’d like to thank you for always being by my side on Thanksgiving Day. 值此感恩节来临之际,感谢您一直以来陪伴在我身边。中考英语应用文作文模板]相关文章:
