

  Wang Dongxing Obituary (讣告)

  本文的英文内容来自The Guardian。

  As head of Mao’s personal security for many years, Wang Dongxing had been privy to many secrets, including the leader’s extra-marital affairs.

  注:1)Privy:if you are privy to something secret, you have been allowed to know about it. 注意,这个词特别用于知晓秘密。作为英语学习者,我们应尽量扩充自己的下限词,才能用词准确。比如这里,写成Wang Dongxing had known many secrets是没有问题的,但是就不如privy来得更好;2)extra-marital affairs就是婚外情了,所谓婚外恋就是extra-marital love。

  When Mao Zedong’s bodyguard, Wang Dongxing, who has died aged 99, joined the plot to arrest Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, and her associatesin the “Gang of Four” after Mao’s death in China in 1976, he knew it was a high-risk affair. Assembling a group of special forces officers under his command, he made them swear an oath of loyalty and secrecy. He also instructed them to shoot to kill if there was any armed resistance.

  注:1)我们说一个人死于多少岁,可能会说die at the age of 99,但是你上面,母语人士直接用die aged 99. 提到这个词,还提请大家注意一个地方:我们这个年龄的人,是people of my age吗?不是,你今后留心的话,就会发现是people my age,没有那个介词of;2)the “Gang of Four”就是“四人帮”了;3)swear an oath of loyalty and secrecy是一个值得记住的表达,发誓效忠并保守秘密。

  In the event no blood was shed: Jiang’s three close associates were lured to a high-level meeting ostensibly to discuss the building of Mao’s mausoleum and the publication of his latest works. They were quickly nabbed when they entered a building in the Zhongnanhai leadership compound next to the Forbidden City, and Jiang was seized separately.
