


  Employment Contract Of Foreign Invested Enterprise

  有限公司(以下简称甲方)系外商投资经营企业,现聘用 (以下简称乙方)为甲方合同制职工。根据《劳动法》和《上海市劳动合同条例》以下简称(条例),甲乙双方本着诚信、平等、协商的原则,一致同意签定本合同。

  (hereinafter referred to as “party A”) is a foreign- invested enterprise and employs xx hereinafter referred to as “party B”) as an employee by contract, according to the“labor law” and the “ordinance on shanghai labor contract”, (hereinafter referred to as “regulation”), both parties agree to sign the contract on the principle of good faith, equality and consultation.

  第一条 合同期限 article 1 term of the contract

  合同有效期限自 至 止,为期壹年。其中 至 为试用期。

  The term of contract starts as from to ; totally one year(s). the probation period thereof is as from to .

  第二条 工作岗位 article 2 work position

  1. 乙方应从事办公室经理工作。乙方将按照甲方的要求工作。其基本职责如下: (1)人力资源 (2)自德国总部进口产品 (3)日常办公室事务处理 (4)观察收集市场信息 (5)客户服务 (6)会计相关信息支持 (7)销售团队相关信息支持 (8)仓库管理,包括货物和样品管理

  Party B shall engage office manager in. party B shall perform his duties according to instructions of party A. party B’s basic duties are detailed as follows: (1)labor management(2)import the products from German headquarter (3)manage the daily office routine (4)monitor and collect market information (5)customer service (6)support accountant with relevant information (7)support the sales team with relevant information (8)warehouse management ,including the goods and samples.

  2. 甲方因工作安排需要和根据乙方的工作能力和工作表现,可随时更改乙方劳动报酬,但应在国家法律规定的范围内。

  According to the needs of work, the work ability and the work performance of party B, party A can change the income of party B at any time, but subject to the regulations made by the state.


  If party A thinks that party B’s work ability and work performance can not meet the requirements under item 1 of this article , party A has the right to change party B’s work position, the location of working, the income, or terminate the labor contract at any time.

  第三条 工作条件和劳动保护 article 3 working conditions and working protection


  Party A shall provide party B with the safe and healthful working environment and essential working protection according to the prc regulations.

  第四条 工作时间 article 4 working time

  1. 乙方每天和每周工作时间参照甲方有关规定。

  The daily and the weekly working time refer to party A’s relative regulations.


  Party B is entitled to mandatory public holidays, the annual leave and other leaves according to laws and regulations and labor handbook.


  After working for party A for 12 months, party B is entitled to 10 days annual leave with full income each year. after working for party A for 5 years, party B is entitled to 15 days annual leave with full income each year. after working for party A for 10 years, party B is entitled to 20 days annual leave with full income each year. when party B wants to have a vacation, party B should provide an application in writing one month in advance. upon the written approval from party A, party B may have a vacation with full income. but party B may enjoy at most five days’ trans- year annual leaves that shall be completed by the last day of march in the next year.

  第五条 劳动报酬 article 5 compensation

  1. 乙方收入参照本合同中附件1的规定。甲方实行新的工资制度时,乙方的工资待遇按新的制度予以调整。

  The income of party B is set out in appendix i of this contract. the income of party B will be adjusted accordingly when party A carries out a new income system.

  2. 甲方实行年12个月薪金制,工作满一年后,每年十二月份发双薪。发薪日为第二个月的5号左右。甲方视乙方在服务的上一年中的表现和甲方的财务状况决定乙方是否享有年终奖金。乙方若在得到年终奖金后的六个月内辞职的,应在其离开公司前返还其全额年终奖金。 Party A carries out a system of 12 months’ income each year,after he or she have worked for one year,he or she can get the double salary in decmber of each year. the day of payment is about the 5th day of the next month. the annual bonus is subject to party A’s financial situation and party B’s work performance in the previous year. if party B resigns within 6 months after party B received the annual bonus for the previous year, party B shall refund this bonus back to party A before party B leaves the company.

  第六条 劳动保险和福利待遇 article 6 insurance and welfare


  If party B gives birth, retires, falls in sickness, is injured, disabled, died, party A shall deal with it according to the national and local regulations relating to birth, pension, sickness, injure, disability and death.

  第七条 劳动纪律及奖惩 article 7 working regulations, reward and punishment

  1. 乙方应遵守国家的法律法规,并遵守甲方的各项规章制度。

  Party B should abide by the law and regulations and the internal rules made by party A.

  2. 乙方被依法追究刑事责任的, 合同自动解除。
