



Resume number:483706602Updating date:2012-09-21 13:14:18 
Name:Mr. Steven WeiNationality:China (Mainland)
Current Place:HuaduHeight/Weight:173 cm 75 kg
Marital Status:marriedAge:40 years
Career Objective
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:Factory manager/Factory Director: Plant Manager 、 Fine / Daily-use Chemical Industry: Manufacturing Manager 、 Metallurgy/Spraying/Metel Material: Production Manager
Working life:16Title:Middle title
Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a week
Expected salary:¥12,000--¥20,000Preferred working place:Guangdong province Hubei
Work experience
Company's name:H.K. Joyas Manufacturing Co.(Shenzhen) Ltd.Begin and end date: 2007-06-2012-06
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/Geology
Job Title:Factory Director & Assistant General Manager
Job description:Mind production:Technologic present 
This is technologic present manufacture plant,comes from Hongkong,I was in charge including Production,PMC,Engineeing,Quality,Finacial,Administrative,logistics,Marketing,Customer service,I operated the plant and reported to boss directly. 
Mind working achievements: 
1.Became reorganize Hongkong and Shenzhen two offices to be a high efficiency office,increased the efficiency and reduced the cost in the extreme. 
2.carried out advance working for company's comes into the market
Reasons for leaving: 
Company's name:Lafrance Technology Co. (Shenzhen) Ltd.Begin and end date: 2003-04-2007-05
Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/Geology
Job Title:Manufacturing Manager
Job description:Main product: Nameplate
This is nameplate manufacture plant, comes from USA,It owns about 1500 operators and staff.
My main responsibilities are: 
1>. In charge of the supplier chain management, organizing and auditing the main vendors and newly developed vendors to assure the material could be supplied on time and is able to meet our quality standard. 
2>. To chair and organize weekly meeting of material and production plan, analyzing the trend of production, material supply status, to make sure the production plan could be carried out smoothly; 
3>. To set up plant’s management targets and always working hard to meet the targets and assess the result in regulate time.
4>. To uphold and keep improving ISO system, assuring which is in good operation and the products meet the customer’s requirements. 
5>. Devoted myself in the areas regarding the enterprise culture developments, training, prompt internal competition and promotion systems.
Reasons for leaving: 
Company's name:Weixing Group Co. (Shenzhen)Lianda Ltd.Begin and end date: 1998-09-2003-03
Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry:
Job Title:Production Manager
Job description:Main product: Button,Skin nameplate, Delaine, Slide fastener, Other adminicle.
Main working achievements: 
I worked for Weixing as a Quality Supervisor for two years,after one year I was promoted to Production Minister mainly in charge of production organization and coordination.
Reasons for leaving: 
Company's name:Wuhan Chemosynthesis factoryBegin and end date: 1993-07-1998-08
Enterprise nature:State-owned enterprisesIndustry: Petroleum/Chemical Industry/Minerals/Geology
Job Title:Assistant R&D Supervisor
Job description:Was allotted to Wuhan Chemosynthesis factory as a staff of Production Department. Then promoted to be deputy workshop director in 1994 and in charged of production work,In 1996 I was promoted to R&D assistant Supervisor.
Reasons for leaving: 
Educational Background
Name of School:Wuhan Institute of Chemosynthesis
Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:1993-07-01
Name of Major 1:Industry analysisName of Major 2: 
Education experience:
Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No
1990-091993-07Wuhan Institute of ChemosynthesisIndustry analysisDiploma9300030
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:good
Chinese level:goodCantonese Level:normal
Relevant skills and abilities
1. Having good communication ability, problem-solving skill and teamwork spirit. . 
2. Proficient in production management, quality management, supplier chain and material management.
3. Have good ability in English.
4. Honest and hard working, willing to work under pressure.
5. Have the experience in communicating with the famous enterprises, such as Motorola, Dell ect.
Self-recommendation letter


