















  ① 直接由引导词引导定语从句

  The man who you’re talking to is my friend.

  ② 由介词+关系代词(whom/which)引导

  The man to whom you’re talking is my friend.

  I need a pen with which I can write a letter.

  =I need a piece of paper on which I can write a letter.


  The man (who/whom/that) I talked about at the meeting is from Beijing University.

  =The man about whom I talked at the meeting is from Beijing University.

  The palace (which/that) I often pay a visit to was built in the 17th century.

  =The palace to which I often pay a visit was built in the 17th century.


  ① 直接由引导词引导定语从句。

  ② 由介词+关系代词(whom/which)引导。

  I live in a house far away from the city, in front of which is a big tree.

  There is an apple tree standing at the gate, on which are many apples.

  This is the man to whom I gave the book.

  ③ 由“代词/名词+of+whom/which”或“of which/ whom +名词/代词”(先行词指

  人用whom,指物用which)引导。One, some, any, none, all, both, several, many, most, neither, either等词、数词、分数或百分比与of whom或of which连用。

  He has five children, two of whom are abroad.

  (比较:He has five children, and two of them are abroad.)

  We have three books, none of which is/are interesting.

  (比较:We have three books, but none of them is/are interesting.)




  The engineer, whose leg was badly hurt, was quickly sent to hospital.


  The engineer whose leg was badly hurt was quickly sent to hospital.


  3.在非限定性定语从句中,任何引导词都不能省略(包括引导词在此定语从句中充当宾语在内)。指人做主语时只能用who, 做宾语时用whom;

  指物做主语,宾语都用which; 关系副词用when或where,也不能省略。

  The man, ______ is sitting on the chair, is my father.

  The woman, _______ I met yesterday, is my English teacher.

  The city, _______ is far away, is very beautiful.

  He went to America, ______ his parents live.

  He joined the Army yesterday, ______ I left, too.


  The house, whose window faces south, is mine.

  =The house, the window of which faces south, is mine.

  =The house, of which the window faces south, is mine.



  Do you know the gentleman who/that is sitting there?


  ① 当作动宾(动词后接宾语)时,关系代词可省略。

  Do you know the gentleman (whom/who/that) we met just now?

  ② 当作介宾(介词后接宾语)时:



  The man (whom/who/that) I spoke with is my teacher.

  The man with whom I spoke is my teacher.

  ※注:固定的动词短语(动词+介词)如look for, take care of等不能把动词与介词拆开,既介词不能提至引导词前。

  She is the right girl (who/whom/that) we are looking for.

  3.whose: 指人或物,是所有格“…的”形式。Whose+n.一起在定语从句中充当主语、宾语(动宾或介宾)即先行词的什么东西怎样了,whose不能省略。。Whose+n. = the +n. + of which/whom= of which/ whom+ the =n.

  I didn’t find the desk whose leg was broken. (主语)

  He is the student whose pencil I broke yesterday. (动宾)

  The boss in whose company I work is very kind. (介宾)

  4.which/that 指物,指代先行词且在定语从句中作主语或宾语(动宾或介宾)。

  ① 当作动宾时,关系代词可省略。

  ② 当作介宾时:



  The house which/that was destroyed in the earthquake is weak.

  The pen (which/that) you found yesterday is mine.

  The games (that/which) the young men competed in were difficult.

  The games in which the young men competed were difficult.


  ※5.as指人或物,在定语从句中可作主语,宾语,表语或状语,不能省略。主要用于 “the same …as…;such …as…;so …as…;as … as…;as follows”固定结构中,形式固定此时的引导限定性定语从句。要用as代替who(m), which, 或that引导定语从句:

  Such people as knew Hill thought he was honest.

  Such people as Hill knew thought he was honest.

  My hometown is no longer the same as it was.

  Here is so big a stone as no one can lift.

  The child knows as much as grow-ups (know).

  I’d like to have the same books as are used in your school.

  He is not such a person as I expected.

  He will marry as pretty a girl as he can find.


  Our team lost the game, as/which was reported in the newspaper.

  She was terrified, as/which I could see from her eyes.

  He married her, as/which was natural.



  He married her, as/which was natural.

  =As was natural, he married her.

  Mark Twin is a great writer, which/as is known to all.

  =As is known to all, Mark Twin is a great writer.


  as we all know, as is known to all, as everybody can see, as is expected, As is known/ said/ reported/ told/ we all know等。如:

  As we all know, paper was first made in China.

  To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish.


  Our class has won the football match, which made us very happy.

  Bamboos are hollow, which makes them very light.


  She didn’t pass the exam, which we couldn’t expect.

  She didn’t pass the exam, as we expected.


  I still remember the time when I joined the League.

  =I still remember the time on which I joined the League.

  =I still remember the time (which/that) I joined the League on.


  I still remember the school where I joined the League.

  =I still remember the school in which I joined the League.

  =I still remember the school (which/that) I joined the League in.

  ※注:对关系副词when, where的认识。

  ①. 先行词是时间的名词,并非都用关系副词when引导定语从句。

  I’ll never forget the time (which/that) I spent in Beijing.

  ②. 先行词是地点的名词,并非都用关系副词where引导定语从句。

  This is the factory (which/that) he visited yesterday.

  ③. 当句型为It/This/That is(was) the first(second…last) time引起的句子时用that连接其后的句子。此时的time是次数,不是时间。

  It/This is the first time that we travel.

  It/This is the last time that I shall give you a lesson.

  8. why指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语,先行词通常为reason,不能省略。且why引导的定语从句只能是限定性定语从句。Why= for which

  I don’t know the reason why he was late yesterday.

  The reason why(for which) he was late is that he missed the bus.


  This is the reason (that/ which) he gave/ explained to us.



  I will never forget the day (which/that) I spent in Hongkong.

  ( spent是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )

  I will never forget the day when/on which Hongkong returned to its motherland.

  ( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )

  The reason (that/which)he gave for not coming to school yesterday isn’t believable.

  ( gave是及物动词,后缺宾语,因此用关系代词或省略 )

  The reason why he didn’t come to school yesterday isn’t believable.

  ( 从句主谓宾结构完整,缺状语,因此用关系副词或介词加关系代词 )
