9年级英语下册课件:Unit 2 What’s the matter?


  9年级英语下册课件:Unit 2 What’s the matter?








  ( )1.A.babsit B.babyseat C.babysit D.babysite

  ( )2.A.sightseeing B.sigthseeing C.sightsing


  ( )3.A.rant B.rent C.ernt D.enrt

  ( )4.A.region B.reigon C.riegon D.reiogn

  ( )5.A.toruist B.touirst C.toursit D.tourist


  6.decide on ________ 7.What’s it like? ________

  8.take walks ________ 9.go camping ________

  10.How’s the weather?________ 11.玩得愉快 ________

  12.你呢? ________ 13.一个没有压力的假期 ________

  14.考虑 ________ 15.去观光旅行 ________


  16.I must b ________ my sister, she is too young.

  17.If(如果)you r ________ yourself before going to bed,you can fall asleep fast.

  18.He r ________ a camera to take some photos.

  19.P ________ is the capital of France.

  20.Many t ________ go to Europe for vacation.


  ( )21.— Ada, I’m going to Mount Emei for vacation.

  — ________.

  A.OK B.You’re right

  C.That sounds nice D.I’m sorry to hear that

  ( )22.What are you doing ________ vacation?

  A.to B.for C.at D.about

  ( )23.My mother is cooking ________.

  A.at home B.in home C.at the home D.in the home

  ( )24.— ________ is he staying? — For a month.

  A.How about B.How C.When D.How long

  ( )25.— Linda is playing football. ________

  — I’m visiting my aunt.

  A.Where are you going? B.What about you?

  C.It’s great. D.That sounds interesting.

  ( )26.— How’s the weather there? — ________

  A.It’s good. B.Sunny.

  C.There’s a beautiful park. D.The beach is beautiful.

  ( )27.I want to cook ________ for my parents.

  A.anything different B.different anything

  C.something different D.different something

  ( )28.In Italy,I had a ________ vacation. I slept well and hadn’t any work to do.

  A.busy B.free C.no-stress D.bad

  ( )29.I finished ________ my homework about two hours ago.

  A.to do B.doing C.does D.to does

  ( )30.When we go for vacation, we should take enough money ________ us.

  A.in B.from C.for D.with


  31.How is the weather there? (同义句转换)


  32.She’s babysitting her sister. (同义句转换)

  She’s ______________________ her sister.

  33.Lin Tao often go to the movies on Sunday. (用next Sunday改写)

  Lin Tao ________________________________________________ next Sunday.

  34.Can you show me your photos when you come back? (改为祈使句)

  __________________________your photos when you come back.

  35.I’m visiting my friend in Hong Kong. (改为一般疑问句) ____________________________visiting ________ friend in Hong Kong?

  36.How about you? (改为同义句) ________________________________________you?

  37.I like taking walks after supper. (改为同义句) I like ___________________________________________ after supper.

  38.Pierre Lambert thought about going to Italy. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ Pierre Lambert ________ about going?

  39.We’re going to the Great Wall tomorrow morning. (对划线部分提问)

  ________________________________going to the Great Wall?

  40.Lisa is staying in Suzhou for a month. (对划线部分提问)

  _______________________________Lisa ________ in Suzhou?


  41.Alice likes ________(read)books.

  42.They want _____________(cook)real English food.

  43.Let me _____________(help)you ________(open)the window.

  44.The girls like dancing very much. They practise ________(dance)every day.

  45.Can you ________(play)computer games?

  46.The Greens enjoy ________(live)in China.

  47.She finished ________(write)a letter.

  48.Mike plans ________(have)an interesting vacation.

  49.I ________(ask)my teacher a question and she answered me.

  50.It’s noon. The children ________(have)their lunch.



  A.Hi, Him Winter vacation will begin. What are you doing?

  B.That sounds fun. I hear London is beautiful.


  D.For about three weeks.

  E.Thank you. You,too.

  F.I’m staying with my uncle in England.

  G.How about you?

  H.How long are you staying there?

  I.I hope you will have much fun with your uncle.

  J.I’m not staying at home,either. I’m going surfing.

  51.________ 52.________ 53.________ 54.________ 55.________

  56.________ 57.________ 58.________ 59.________ 60.________


  Amy’s family 61 on vacation next wee k. They 62 to the beach. Amy is going 63 and 64 on Friday. She 65 there for five days.

  Amy’s father is working 66 Monday 67 Thursday. He’s going on vacation on Friday and coming home on Sunday.

  Amy’s mother is going on vacation on Monday. She’s staying 68 and coming back home 69 .

  They 70 a good time next week.

  ( )61.A.are go B.is going C.going D.goes

  ( )62.A.are going B.is going C.going D.are go

  ( )63.A.on Friday B.on Tuesday C.on Monday D.on Thursday

  ( )64.A.come home B.coming to home C.come to home D.coming home ( )65.A.stays B.is staying C.staying D.is stay

  ( )66.A.from B.to C.with D.about

  ( )67.A.from C.at C.to D.on

  ( )68.A.all week B.week C.week all D.all a week

  ( )69.A.on Thursday B.on Friday C.on Saturday D.on Sunday

  ( )70.A.had a are having C.have D.having


  A: Hi, Vanessa. I’m Jeff Blake from Lives of the Very Famous magazine. Thank you for talking to me today.

  B: Oh, you’re welcome. It’s nice to meet you, Jeff.

  A: Vanessa, our readers want to know what famous people do f0r vacation. Where are you going for your next vacation?

  B: Well, I’m going to Italy.

  A: Oh, what’s the weather like there?

  B: It’s beautiful. And it’s always sunny and warm!

  A: Really? What are you doing there?

  B: Oh, going to the beach maybe playing volleyball.

  A: Anything else?

  B: Oh, yes, going sightseeing, going shopping, you know, as usual.

  A: And how long are you staying?

  B: Oh, only for three weeks.

  A: Well, that sounds wonderful!

  ( )71.Jeff is one of famous people.

  ( )72.Vanessa is only playing volleyball in Italy. ( )73.The weather there is always fine. ( )74.There are some beaches in Italy. ( )75.Vanessa plans to stay there for about twenty-one days.

【9年级英语下册课件:Unit 2 What’s the matter?】相关文章:

1.《What’s the matter?》的说课稿

2.外研社六年级下册Unit1《What`s the matter》教学反思

3.译林版英语四年级下册Unit 7 What’s the matter评课稿范文

4.八年级Unit 2 《What’s the atter》说课稿

5.《Unit 2 He’s cool》英语说课稿

6.六年级下册《What`s the matter》教案范文

7.Unit 6 What’s his nae? 教学反思

8.新标准四年级英语《Unit 2 What’s the time》说课稿

上一篇:美文赏析:What will matter下一篇:用只要怎么造句