

  God puts dreams in our hearts. So, we must dream. We lose our sorrows and heartaches in dreams. And we live our fantasies in dreams. Some dreams are aborted while some come true. 上帝在我们的心中播种梦想。所以我们必须有梦。我们在梦想中丢弃悲伤与心痛,活在梦想的奇异世界里。一些梦想可能会夭折然而一些则会实现。

  Most mornings, I'd sit by the Lake in my neighborhood just to witness the awesomeness of God; to be marveled at what Mother Nature is about to unfold... to shower us with her magnificence. The squirrels too gather by the edge of the Lake. The birds float effortlessly, circling the Lake in a beautiful ballet. The gators stand in awe. Yes, the gators! The leaves on the trees would suddenly stop their slow dance. Just like me, they are patiently awaiting for the grand entrance of the sun. The moon must go. Yes, the moon must go... to make room for the sun to rise. The sound of the gentle breeze is soothing, almost musical. I am filled with joy. I cannot describe the feeling of this awesomeness. You'd have to experience it to understand the feeling and joy of it. I know I am about to witness an amazing grace. So... I am silent. My spirit is at peace. The stage has been set. Behind those clouds, the sun awaits... waiting for the heavenly command. The ritual is in full bloom. Then I see a slice of sunlight, wafting through the clouds. Suddenly, the entire horizon is brightened, and the sun finally takes the center stage. Right there, I am still... humbled... to listen to God speak into my soul. When He's done, then, I share with Him all that my heart desires.早晨我经常会静坐在家附近的湖畔,只为见证上帝的神奇之力;惊叹大自然母亲将展现的事物。。。震撼我们以其雄伟壮丽之景。松鼠也在湖边聚集起来。鸟儿轻快的浮在湖面上,绕着湖转着圈,好似在跳优美的芭蕾。鳄鱼肃立着。没错,是鳄鱼!树上的叶子会突然地停下她们的曼舞,耐心地等待着太阳宏大的入场礼,就像我一样。月亮必须要离开啊。是啊,月亮必须要离开啊,得给太阳腾地方啊。徐徐微风,温婉静谧,如同和乐一般。喜悦之情,溢于言表。然此景之震撼实则无法用言语表达。人们须亲身经历才能明白这种感觉和其中的喜悦。知道即将亲眼见证这一奇妙的恩典,我没有出声。我心静如水,没有一丝涟漪。舞台已准备就绪。重重云雾背后,太阳静待,等着上天的召唤。礼教已经进入它的全盛时代。然后我看到了穿过云层透出来的一缕阳光。突然,整个地平线变得透亮,太阳最终站到了中心舞台上。然,就在那,我一动不动,谦卑地聆听着上帝对我灵魂的教导。待其结束,与上帝诉说着我的心愿。
