

1. Positivity积极

  The things you think about, focus on, and surround yourself with ultimately shape who you become. Choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills your heart, the peace that rests deep within your spirit, and the voice of hope that whispers, “All things are possible.” Right now, pause for a moment and repeat after me: “What I think about and thank about, I will bring about in my life.” 你所思考的、投入的,以及你周围的一切,最终决定你成为什么样的人。选择做一个因为充满爱心、心境安宁、相信希望的感恩之人,“一切皆有可能。” 现在,暂停手中的事情跟我重复:“我将把我所思考的和感激的所有,实践到我的生活中去。”

2. Patience 耐心

  Using time, pressure and patience, the universe gradually changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, and coal into diamonds. You’re being worked on too, so hang in there. Just because something isn’t happening for you right now, doesn’t mean it will never happen.运用时间、压力和耐心。整个宇宙都是毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶、沙土凝聚成珍珠、煤炭提炼出钻石的过程。你也会遵循这样的规律,所以一定要坚持。不要因为你从来没有成功,就认为你永远不会成功。

3. Courage勇气

  It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you aren’t really living at all – you’re merely existing. You cannot always wait for the perfect time; sometimes you must dare to jump. Sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage – just literally twenty seconds of uncomfortable bravery – and I promise you, something great will come of it.生活中想要没有失败基本不可能,除非你生活得过于谨慎,就像你从未真正生活过,你只是存在于此。你不可能坐等时机降临,有时候你需要主动搏一把。有时候你需要的只是刹那疯狂的勇气,我敢说,也许就是那刹那令人不安的勇气,随之而来的就是美妙的经历。
