

  听力部分 ( 50分)


  () 1. A. boat  B. place  C. famous  D. food

  () 2. A. sound B. slow  C. per  D. sun

  () 3. A. China B. space  C. light D. team

  () 4. A. easy  B. hurdle  C. honest  D. add

  () 5. A. strong B. weak C. take D. taste


  () 1.A. give out B. in second place C. Let’s practice.

  () 2.A. on Earth  B. on land C. in the water

  () 3.A. far from B. near toC. close to

  () 4.A. the hottest planetB. the biggest planets C. the heaviest planets

  () 5.A. much sweeter  B. much faster C. much lighter

  () 6.A. move fastB. the long jump C. the high jump

  () 7.A. the Great Wall  B. Splendid China  D. Safari Park

  () 8.A. laugh at B. the most famous  C. the funniest

  () 9.A. finish line B. like to exercise C. in fact

  () 10.A. a better runner  B. a better jumperC. a better swimmer


  () 1. A. We will go shopping this Saturday.

  B. How about doing some shopping?

  C. Let’s go out for a walk.

  () 2. A. Help yourself!

  B. Have a good time.

  C. By yourselves.

  () 3. A. She is the youngest teacher in the school.

  B. She is the oldest teacher in the school。

  C. The students like her very much.

  ()4. A. They’re the winner. They are in first place.

  B. Cheetahs are the best runners on land.

  C. He can run 100m race in about 9.78 seconds.

  ( )5. A. Monkey King is more interesting than Cinderella.

  B. Cinderella is more interesting than Monkey King.

  C. Cinderella and Monkey King are both boring.


  () 1.A. 50kg   B. 155cm C. 6400km

  () 2.A. ChongqingB. Lhasa C. Splendid China

  () 3. A. Yes, it’s a star. B. No, it’s a starC. No, it’s a planet

  () 4. A. 55 medalsB.15 gold medals C. 20 silver medals

  () 5.A.What’s your favourite hobby?

  B. What’s your favourite food?

  C. What’s your favourite character?


  1. Chocolate is very________ among young people.

  2. I like vegetables so I ________vegetable soup.

  3. Finally, the little duckling became one of the most_________ swans.

  4. My_________ food is spicy food.

  5. The sun is much______ than the other stars.

  6. There will be a _____tomorrow.

  7. Mike is the________ in the race.

  8. I_______ up at 7:00 this morning.

  9. Which_______ has the highest mountain.

  10. The ______ ______is the longest wall in the world.

六.根据所听内容的顺序,用1. 为下列图排序。(5分)


  () 1.Zhang Tao works in a restaurant.

  ()2. He works for 13 hours a day.

  ()3. He doesn’t clean the windows.

  ()4. After work, he just stays at home.

  ()5. He is very hard-working.


  1.__________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________



  () 1.A.eat  B. bread C. sea D. tea

  () 2.A.large B. girl C. glad  D. game

  () 3. A.clear  B. dear C. near D. wear

  () 4. A. countryB. easy C. sunnyD. sky



  (enjoy, better, most, gravity, interesting, so)

  1.  We can ______ dancing and many different kinds of food.

  2.  My school is near to my home_____ I walk to school everyday.

  3.  This book is very _______. I like it very much.

  4.  There is no ______ in space so people can float.

  5.  The Dragon Team won the _____ medals and was in the first place.


  1. Soon it will be Chinese New Year. We ____ (visit) Beijing this holiday.

  2. Jim _________(not like) spicy food at all.

  3. Michael is one of the________(fat) boys in class.

  4. I went to bed early last night but I didn’t_______(fall) asleep soon.

  5. In f_______, the sun is the biggest in the solar system.


  ()1.Ken is 10 years old. Mary is ____.She is 12 years old.

  A. smallerB. youngerC. olderD. bigger

  () 2. _____ is it from your school to the bus stop?

  About 100 meters.

  A. How long B. How far C. How soon D. How much

  () 3. Tom is_____ honest student.

  A. a  B. one C. an D. /

  () 4.Lucy’s hair is longer than________.

  A. my  b. me C. I D. mine

  () 5. Mr. Chen was very _______ after a day’s work. He wanted to have a rest.

  A. happyb. healthy C. tiredD. hungry

  () 6. Let’s_____the solar system.

  A. talkB. talking C. talk aboutD. talking about

  ( ) 7. It’s ten o’ clock now. It’s time_______bed.

  A.toB. for C. in D. at

  () 8.What’s ____ with your bike?

  A. the wrong B. matter C. the matterD. mistake

  () 9.I don’t like spicy food_____sweet food.

  A. and B. toC. or D. in

  () 10.Mark likes _____ vegetables

  A. eats B. washC. eatingD. washes

  () 11. Look, the children________for Sports Day.

  A. practise B. is practising C. practisedD. are practising

  () 12.I have a______family. We live_______

  A. happily, happy  B.happy, happily

  C. happily,happily   D. happy,happy
