


  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共55分)

  Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


  (  )1. Jack often plays _____ piano and he wants to be a pianist when he grows up.

  A. a     B. an     C. /     D. the

  (  )2. Tomorrow is our teacher’s birthday and we are going to give _____ a big surprise.

  A. his      B. him      C. he       D. himself

  (  )3. More than two _____ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year.

  A. hundred    B. hundreds   C. hundreds of  D. hundred of

  (  )4. It’s cold outside, Sandy. You’d better _____ your coat to keep warm.

  A. put up    B. put out     C. put on     D. put away

  (  )5. —Excuse me, ______ I take the magazine out of the reading room?

  —Sorry, you can’t. Just here, please.

  A. must     B. would     C. may      D. need

  (  )6. —________ do you go to the Buddy Club in your school?

  —Twice a month.

  A. How far   B. How long   C. How soon  D. How often

  (  )7. Andy, with his parents, ______ to Hong Kong, and they will stay there for a week.

  A. have gone  B. has gone   C. have been  D. has been

  (  )8. Lily often helps her mother do some cooking in the ______.

  A. kitchen   B. garden     C. bathroom   D. bedroom

  (  )9. —Dad, can you tell me ______? I miss her very much.

  —Next month, dear.

  A. when will my mum come back   B. when my mum will come back

  C. how my mum goes to work    D. where will my mum go

  (  )10. There is ______ juice in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some.

  A. few     B. a few     C. little     D. a little

  (  )11. Doctor Ma is always careful with the operations. He often says “_____”.

  A. A miss is as good as a mile  B. Many hands make light work

  C. No pain, no gain   D. A friend in need is a friend indeed

  (  )12. —Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture?

  —It’s my daughter. The picture ________ 10 years ago.

  A. took     B. is taken   C. has taken   D. was taken

  (  )13. I usually sleep with the window open _____ it’s really cold.

  A. if     B. because    C. so     D. unless

  (  )14. —Have you found the information about famous scientists _____ you can use for the report?        —Not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.

  A. where    B. which    C. what    D. who

  (  )15. ______ great fun Andrew has ______ DIY in the art room with his classmates!

  A. What; doing    B. What; done   C. How; doing   D. How; done



  After their 15yearold pet dog died, Rain and his wife, Ann, looked for months to find the right new pet. “I love dogs,” said Rain, a worker at a health club in New York. “I can’t __16__ not having one.”

  Finally, the couple found a lovely young __17__ and decided to __18__ him home. They named him Little Sheep. Little Sheep quickly made himself at home, sleeping on his new __19__ bed at night.

  With heart disease for 25 years, Rain __20__ took his medicine four times a day and always had no problems. __21__ on March 17, he took the wrong amount(数量) of medicine before he went to sleep. When he got out of bed to __22__ the bathroom at night, suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast and later fell to the floor heavily.

  “Little Sheep was usually very __23__ and wellbehaved,” said Ann. “But when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud cry like a wild animal. I was woken but didn’t know what was happening. Then I saw my husband __24__ on the bathroom floor. I ran for the __25__ and called a hospital at once.”

  Rain spent several hours in the hospital. By 6:30 a.m, he had been __26__ enough to go home. “It surprises me that Little Sheep has such great __27__,” said his thankful owner. “He’s becoming a calm little gentleman. We can walk him on our street, unleashed(未拴住的), without any problem. He’s got a lot of __28__ now, and everyone wants to __29__ him kindly.”

  “We feel the name Little Sheep is not good enough,” said Rain. “So now we call him Big Hero, more __30__ for an animal of his ability. ”

  (  ) 16. A. plan     B. imagine       C. win      D. decide

  (  ) 17. A. dog     B. cat       C. sheep     D. bird

  (  ) 18. A. ride     B. catch      C. throw     D. take

  (  )19. A. relatives’    B. neighbors’      C. classmates’   D. owners’

  (  ) 20. A. politely    B. hardly       C. carefully    D. widely

  (  ) 21. A. And      B. But      C. Or      D. So

  (  ) 22. A. start     B. sell      C. use      D. burn

  (  ) 23. A. quiet     B. noisy      C. worried    D. rude

  (  ) 24. A. singing    B. standing      C. lying     D. dancing

  (  ) 25. A. clock     B. phone       C. pen      D. watch

  (  ) 26. A. good     B. full      C. weak     D. beautiful

  (  ) 27. A. stress    B. danger       C. courage    D. sadness

  (  ) 28. A. pollution  B. nature       C. advice     D. confidence

  (  ) 29. A. touch      B. throw       C. hurt     D. hit

  (  ) 30. A. wrong  B. suitable        C. colorful    D. common

  Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共15小题;A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)



  One Thursday afternoon, when I was in Grade 9, a new boy came into my classroom. He was short and thin. He walked up to the teacher and told her, very seriously, that he was new. His name was Christian. He sat down, took a look at me, and then looked away. I didn’t think he was very nice and I was sure he wasn’t the type I would like to become friends with.

  During that year, I didn’t talk to him much, but he smiled at me when our eyes met, always shyly. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me.

  But one day I joined those unkind kids who were making fun of him. We made fun of him though I thought it was wrong.

  “Haven’t you got any friends?” a kid asked Christian, who had walked past us alone, head down.

  “No, he hasn’t got any friends. He’s too stupid and shy,”I said. Then Christian looked up at me with the saddest dog eyes I had over seen. I felt very sorry at that moment.

  That night, I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t get Christian’s face out of my mind. In the weeks that followed, he never met my eyes in class and never smiled at me. It was really hard for me to decide to write him a note asking him to forgive(原谅) me. But I thought I should.

  The next day in class, I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes. “You will never realize what your apology(道歉) has meant to me, Jimmly.” he said to me. “I hope we can become friends. ”

  We had lunch together that noon and we had the best talk I had ever had. Over the years at high school, we were close friends.

  When I think back, I realize that, if I had not apologized, I would never have known what a lovely person Christian was.

  Apologies can really change your life, so never miss the chance to tell somebody you are sorry.

  (  ) 31. From the passage, we know Christian was a ________ boy.

  A. tall and fat     B. short and shy

  C. short and active   D. lovely and fat

  (  ) 32. Jimmly didn’t talk to Christian much at first because ________.

  A. he didn’t think Christian was the type he wanted to become friends with

  B. Christian wasn’t nice to people around him after he came to the new class

  C. Christian made friends with others

  D. Christian had the saddest dog eyes

  (  ) 33. Jimmly felt ________ after he made fun of Christian with other unkind kids.

  A. happy     B. interested    C. sorry     D. bored

  (  ) 34. Jimmly asked Christian to forgive him by ________.

  A. sending an email      B. wearing a smile

  C. eating supper together   D. writing a note

  (  ) 35. This article tells us that ________.

  A. we should make an apology when we hurt others

  B. Jimmly’s apology was unimportant to Christian

  C. Christian wasn’t lovely in fact

  D. it is impossible to say sorry to others


  Need good and long lasting friends

  I am very interested in meeting good friends from France, the UK and other European countries.

  I am a loving, caring, understanding and out going guy and I hope to get to know people, cultures and languages in other countries. I check mails often and I am good at English and French. So I will welcome all emails.


  Thanks for stopping by.

  Tracy Looking for a Japanese penfriend

  for my language classes

  I am a Japanese teacher in Australia, looking for a penfriend for my classes in Japan. I have 2 classes of 26 students, so 52 in total, who I would like to find a penfriend for.

  Please contact me if you can help.




  Looking for a kind friend from the USA

  Hi all,

  My name is Li Fang. I am a lady aged 22, loving, caring, sporty and musical.

  I am planning to go for my studies in the United States so I need someone who can show me the way and how to do things and be a friend when I am there.

  I am Chinese and hope to hear from you.

  Thank you so much.

  jelbit@yahoo.com Searching for secondary school penfriends

  Hello, we are from Spain, near Barcelona city.

  Our students are 12~16 years old and they would like to build friendships with a school with similar age characteristics.

  They need to practice English. They speak Spanish and Catalan as mother languages.

  We are expecting to hear from you.


  Foreign Languages Department

  Tel: 13912371550

  (  ) 36. According to the information above, we know ______ can speak French.

  A. Tracy      B. Li Fang      C. Branka   D. Simon

  (  ) 37. ______ are looking for penfriends for their students.

  A. Tracy and Simon         B. Simon and Branka

  C. Tracy and Branka      D. Li Fang and Simon

  (  ) 38. If you are an American and you need a Chinese penfriend, you can contact _____.

  A. nibangwa@yahoo.com  B. Love123@sina.com

  C. jelbit@yahoo.com     D. 13912371550

  (  ) 39. We know from the passage that ________.

  A. Tracy is planning to go for studies in the USA

  B. Li Fang is going to Australia to be a teacher

  C. Branka wants to find some adult penfriends

  D. Simon has two classes with 52 students in total

  (  ) 40. You may see the information above ________.

  A. in a film    B. on a website

  C. in a play     D. on a map


  Have you ever heard of “a ball of energy”? People often use it to describe very active children. But today we tell about an invention called the sOccket, that is a real soccer ball of energy. Julia Silverman explains that in fact the sOccket is a portable generator(便携式发电机).

  Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews developed the sOccket as part of a group project for an engineering class at Harvard University.

  There are mechanisms(装置) in a sOccket. When you kick, hit or throw it, energy is then kept in it by these mechanisms instead of disappearing into the environment.

  Then the user can put something directly into the ball, like a lamp, or a mobile phone charger so that they can get energy from it.

  For every fifteen minutes of the game play, the sOccket can provide enough electricity(电) for an LED lamp for three hours, and the ball can store(储藏) up to 24 hours’ electricity.

  The International Energy Association reported last year that nearly one and a half billion people in the world had no electricity to use, and most of them live in subSaharan Africa and in India and other countries in Asia.

  Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews both had experiences in developing countries before they began the project. They knew that power shortages are a serious problem in really areas.

  There’s an energy crisis in the world. One out of every five people in the world don’t have any electricity. And besides that, there are a lot of health problems because what people use instead of the electricity are harmful choices like kerosene(煤油) lamps, which produce a lot of smoke.

  Julia Silverman says the sOccket ball is one small solution(解决方法) to a big problem.

  Jessica Matthews and Julia Silverman hope their sOccket ball will shine more light on the problem of power shortages. It offers people a chance to put their energy into the world’s most popular sport and get some energy in return.

  (  )41. From the passage, we know the sOccket is ________.

  A. an active child    B. an invention

  C. a lamp   D. a mobile phone

  (  )42. If you play the sOccket for half an hour, it can provide an LED lamp with electricity for ________.

  A. fifteen minutes   B. half an hour

  C. six hours      D. three hours

  (  )43. The underlined word “crisis” in the passage means ________.

  A. a time of safety      B. a time of difficulty

  C. a time of success      D. a time of pride

  (  )44. We can infer(推断) from the passage that ________.

  A. Julia Silverman has never been to developing countries before

  B. Active children like to play sOccket

  C. kicking a sOccket can let the energy disappear into the environment

  D. people are expected to get some energy by playing sOccket

  (  )45. The best title for the passage should be “________”.

  A. The only way to produce electricity

  B. The best way to solve energy crisis

  C. A soccer ball that gives energy

  D. An invention changing the world
