


  1、 Our school is _________ a park and a big library、

  A、 between      B、 next     C、 across     D、 in

  2、 Tom and Mike enjoy _______ TV、

  A、 see         B、 watch     C、 watching   D、 to watch

  3、 Let's __________________ 、

  A、 go shopping       B、 went shopping      C、 goes   shopping    D、 going shopping

  4、 They want _________ the zoo very much、

  A、 to go      B、 to go to     C、 go to     D、 going to

  5、 There ______ some Chinese girls in Miss Gao's class、

  A、 is        B、 are       C、 am         D、 will

  6、 _________   do you come from?     China、

  A、 When       B、 Where      C、 Why      D、 Who

  7、 We had fun in ______ games、

  A、 play     B、 plays        C、 to play     D、 playing

  8、 _______ it going?   Pretty good!

  A、 How's      B、 What's       C、 How     D、 Where's

  9、 Thank you very much、 ________、

  A、 You're welcome        B、 That's rightC、 You're right          D、 Don't thank me

  10、 Thank you for   _____ us so much help、

  A、 giving      B、 give    C、 to give     D、 gives

  11、 Can you tell _____ the way to the shop?

  A、 he        B、 his       C、 her        D、 she

  12、 You'd better _____   a taxi to the park、

  A、 to take     B、 takes     C、 take     D、 taking

  13、 ______ you _____ a cup of tea?     Yes, please、

  A、 Are, like     B、 Does, like     C、 Do, like    D、 Would, like

  14、 I don't like cabbage _______、

  A、 at all    B、 a little     C、 a lot of    D、 very

  15、 How many ____ do you want?

  A、 rice     B、 tomatos     C、 pieces of bread    D、 potato

  16、 My work is interesting, but _____ dangerous、

  A、 a kind of     B、 a kind     C、 kinds of     D、 kind of

  17、 Let's _____ TV now、

  A、 to watch      B、 watch     C、 look       D、 see

  18、 Mother often goes ______ on Sundays、

  A、 shop     B、 a shop     C、 buy     D、 shopping

  19、 We often play ____ after school、

  A、 a basketball      B、 the basketball    C、 basketball        D、 a football

  20、 He is very hungry、 He buys ____ hamburgers、

  A、 many      B、 much      C、 a lots of    D、 all of them

  21、 'What does he do?' means ____________

  A、 who is he      B、 Where is he    C、 What is he     D、 what is he doing

  22、 The girl wants ______ a doctor、

  A、 being      B、 to      C、 to be      D、 to do

  23、 Please _____ late for school next time、

  A、 don't be    B、 aren't     C、 doesn't be    D、 be not

  24、 My parents often cook noodles ____ me、

  A、 to      B、 for      C、 in      D、 of

  25、 One of the children _____ in the river last summer、

  A、 was swimming      B、 is swimming C、 are swimming      D、 were swimming

  26、 _______ are the books?    They are 20 yuan、

  A、 How much      B、 What      C、 How many    D、 How money

  27、 Sorry, I'm late ______ school、

  A、 for     B、 to      C、 at       D、 from

  28、 She _____ lunch at home yesterday、

  A、 doesn't    B、 didn't have    C、 doesn't have    D、 hasn't

  29、 Would you like _____ orange juice ?      Yes, please

  A、 some      B、 any      C、 a       D、 many

  30、 We _____ to a movie last Sunday、

  A、 go      B、 went       C、 did go      D、 was go

  31、 What _____ your sister _____? She is an actor、

  A、 does, does      B、 do, does     C、 does, do    D、 do, do

  32、 Why not ______ see the smart dolphins?

  A、 come to      B、 to come      C、 coming and    D、 coming

  33、 We can ______ taxi to the town、

  A、 by      B、 take       C、 ride      D、 take a

  34、 Welcome to our school!    ____________!

  A、 Fine    B、 Thank you    C、 It doesn't matter    D、 Very good

  35、 We often _____ TV after school、

  A、 are watch      B、 watch     C、 watches    D、 watching

  36、 What time is it? __________、

  A、 It's fine    B、 It's OK    C、 It's Tuesday    D、 It's nine

  37、 Let's take some ________、

  A、 photo      B、 photoes     C、 photos for you

  38、 Yesterday, there ______ nobody in the room、

  A、 is       B、 was        C、 are       D、 were

  39、 What time do you leave school ______ the weekend?

  A、 in        B、 on        C、 /          D、 of

  40、 You can _____ it in English、 He can ______ English well、

  A、 speak, speak       B、 tells, say       C、 say, speak         D、 talks, say
