

  中考语文 中考英语的需要多做模拟试题来巩固知识。下文是小编整理的中考英语模拟试题,欢迎阅读参考!


  1.—Is there a watermelon on the table?


  A.Yes,there is. B.Yes,it is.

  C.No,there is. D.No,it isn't.

  2.—This problem is far __A__ me.I'm afraid I can't work it out.

  —Don't worry,we will help you.

  A.beyond B.beside C.behind D.between

  3.It is necessary __D__ us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties.

  A.to B.of C.with D.for

  4.__C__ bad weather it is!We can't go out for a walk.

  A.What a B.How a C.What D.How

  5.Vivi told me that __C__ students in her class joined the league yesterday.

  A.another one B.more three

  C.three more D.three another

  6.He ran to the bus stop quickly __A__ catch the last bus.

  A.in order to B.so that

  C.as soon as D.in order that

  7.—What would you like to drink?

  —I'm very thirsty.__C__ you can get.Just get it now.

  A.Something B.Nothing

  C.Anything D.Other things

  8.—It's __C__ outside.

  —Yeah!Let's go out and make a snowman.

  A.cloudy B.rainy C.snowy D.windy

  9.You don't need to pay for them because they're__A__today.

  A.free B.true C.busy D.clean

  10.—Boys and girls!Please __B__ your compositions after class.

  —Oh,my God!I ________ it at home.

  A.hand in,forgot B.hand in,left

  C.hand out,forgot D.hand out,left


  I've lived with my parents in China for three months. I like the people here,but the food isn't simply a meat. It's something a challenge. When I sit down in a __11__,I often fail to order the right food and use __12__ correctly. I'll never __13__ the most embarrassing(尴尬的)experience that we had last month. Father and I went into a(n) __14__ restaurant as we saw so many people eating there,and we thought it must be a __15__ restaurant to visit. We had the most difficult time ordering our meal because there were so many choices and not every dish had a picture on the menu. Ordering food became a guessing game.__16__,the waiters were very __17__. It took three of them 15 minutes to take our order for __18__. I simply wanted water,but my father wanted to try one of the fresh juices listed on the menu. There were two problems,however. There were __19__ pictures nor English on the menu. Finally,__20__ just ordered a Coca Cola. During the __21__ noodles slipped through my chopsticks onto the table lots of times. Once I tried to __22__ up a dumpling for my father,but I __23__ it on his shorts. We both looked at it __24__ it fell to the floor. I looked behind me and people were __25__ about my chopstick skills.

  11.A.classroom B.restaurant

  C.school D.back

  12.A.forks B.spoons

  C.knives D.chopsticks

  13.A.forget B.remember C.think D.want

  14.A.empty B.peaceful C.quiet D.crowded

  15.A.bad B.good C.small D.big

  16.A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Luckily D.Probably

  17.A.honest B.patient C.proud D.brave

  18.A.dessert B.fruit

  C.drinks D.vegetables

  19.A.both B.either C.only D.neither

  20.A.he B.she C.I D.they

  21.A.discussion B.meeting

  C.interview D.meal

  22.A.pick B.get C.put D.wake

  23.A.ate B.dropped C.prepared D.took

  24.A.so B.because C.as D.but

  25.A.laughing B.thinking

  C.arguing D.learning
