

  一、听力 (共20分)

  I.听句子, 选择正确答语。(5分)

  1. What are you going to be when you grow up?

  2. How much yogurt do we need?

  3. Will people have robots at home later?

  4. Can you come to my birthday party?

  5. Will there be less pollution in our city in the future?

  1~5 ABCBC

  II.听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。( 5分)

  6. M: Mom, let’s eat the sandwich for lunch.

  W: OK. Sam. Let me make it now. But I need your help.

  Q: Who makes the sandwich for lunch?

  7. M: Hi. Lily, would you like to watch movies with me this weekend?

  W: I’d love to. But I plan to play tennis with my father.

  Q: What does Lily plan to do this weekend?

  8. W: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon, Peter?

  M: S orry, I can’t, Joan. I have to prepare for an exam.

  Q: Can Peter come to Joan’s party on Saturday afternoon?

  9. W: What do you usually do on weekends, Eric?

  M: I learn English by watching TV on Saturday and Sunday evening.

  Q: How often does Eric learn English by watching TV?

  10. W: Jeff, can you give me some advice about my future?

  M: Sure, Ben, I think you should go to college. If you go there, you will get a good education.

  Q: What does Jeff advise Ben to do for his future?

  6~10 ABCBA


  11. Kids won’t go to school in the future and they will study on computers.

  12. Robots will do much housework for people in the future.

  13. If Eric’s friends have a surprise birthday party for him, he will be happy.

  14. The teachers will be happy if the students wear uniforms to the school.
