高一 Festivals 精选习题及答案


  一. 单项选择

  ( ) 1. Did you say that Miss Green is coming to see me? It's strange. I've never____ her before.

  A. heard for    B. heard of

  C. heard    D. hear from

  ( ) 2. ____ had to work hard for ten years ____.

  A. Both they; because the necklace is missing

  B. They both; became of the necklace was gone

  C. Both of they; because the necklace is lost

  D. Both of them; because of the lost necklace

  ( ) 3. Those pupils ____ the disabled classmates for six years.

  A. kept helped    B. keep on to help

  C. kept on helping   D. kept on helped

  ( ) 4. The poor girl has neither shoes nor skirt. That's why she ____ stay at home.

  A. must  B. has to  C. should  D. ought to

  ( ) 5. He ____to drive a car ____ the end of last year.

  A. learned; at   B. learned; by

  C. had learned; in   D. had learned; on

  ( ) 6. ____ new books have been given away since the Hope Organization was founded.

  A. Many of    B. The major of

  C. A majority    D. A great many

  ( ) 7. Her mother ____ her stories patiently every evening when she was a little girl.

  A. was used to tell   B. is used to telling

  C. used to tell   D. used to telling

  ( ) 8.--Is there a flight to London this evening?

  --There ____ be. I'll phone the airport and find it out.

  A. must  B. would  C. might  D. can

  ( ) 9. The girl was too young to ____ easily.

  A. take in B. be taken in C. take up D. be taken up

  ( ) 10. ____ I got to the reading-room, I found that he ____ there.

  A. At every time; read B. Each time; reads

  C. At each time; would read D. Each time; was reading

  ( ) 11. The written examination, all students are tested on the same question, was ____ known until the 19th century.

  A. which; probable   B. where; possible

  C. in that; not probably   D. where; probably not

  ( ) 12.--Tom seems to have discovered all about the event.

  -- ____.

  A. So he did  B. So do he

  B. So he has  D. So has he

  ( ) 13. Compared with China, the population of America is ____.

  A. /; much smaller   B. those of; the smallest

  C. that; much smaller   D. one ; just as small as

  ( ) 14. Buying insurance is ____ by which people can protect ____ from large losses.

  A. a way; other   B. a means; themselves

  C. methods; us   D. a purpose; everyone

  ( ) 15. Thanks ____ your help, we finally ____ enough persons to do the work.

  A. for; made   B. with; got

  C. to; got   D. to; had

二. 完形填空

  Fire can destroy many things. It is 16 to everyone, but it is useful. We cannot live 17 fires. In other words, fire is both friend and enemy of us. This depends on whether we use it 18 or not.

  To the people who live in the forest area, fire is 19 dangerous. It is 20 most of their houses are made 21 wood, which can easily 22 fire. Especially in winter, the air is dry. And the wind is often 23 .If one of the houses is 24 fire, the wind will 25 the fire to the neighboring houses quickly, and it will soon 26 all over the area. If this happens 27, it may not be too bad. But if it happens at night, the situation will be worse than one can 28, for most people are 29 _ and many of them can not 30 in time. If they can, they will just leave all the things 31 because they cannot nm quickly if they bring anything with them. Some people even do not know 32 is going on and they may die in their 33 with all their property(财产).

  We should do our best to 34 the breakout of fire. It is mostly 35 by people's carelessness. Therefore, not only the people of the forest areas but everyone should be careful in using fire.

  ( ) 16. A. important B. dangerous C. safe  D. necessary

  ( ) 17. Pt. with  B. having  C. on  D. without

  ( ) 18. A. wisely B. widely  C. freely  D. carefully

  ( ) 19. A. really  B. especially C. particularly D. actually

  ( ) 20. A. that  B. why  C. because  D. Because of

  ( ) 21. A. of  B. from  C. up of  D. into

  ( ) 22. A. make  B. grasp  C. lead  D. catch

  ( ) 23. A. cold  B. strong  C. freezing  D. gentle

  ( ) 24. A. in B. on C. with  D. at

  ( ) 25. A. flow  B. push  C. spread  D. blow

  ( ) 26. A. spread  B. cross  C. pass  D. go

  ( ) 27. A. in the evening B. at night C. in the daytime D. on Sunday

  ( ) 28. A. think  B. imagine  C. understand D. expect

  ( ) 29. A. awake  B. working  C. dead  D. asleep

  ( ) 30. A. run away B. flee from  C. get up  D. broke away

  ( ) 31. A. before  B. ahead  C. behind  D. back

  ( ) 32. A. anything B. which  C. that  D. what

  ( ) 33. A. houses  B. dreams  C. beds  D. families

  ( ) 34. A. help  B. develop  C. prevent ' D. keep

  ( ) 35. A. caused  B. made  C. produced  D. taken

三. 阅读理解


  How many coins have you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two? Or one?

  With a phonecard you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.

  1. What do you do with it?

  Go to a telephone box marked "Phoneeard". Put in your card, make your call and when you've finished, a screen tells you bow much is left on your card.

  It costs no extra for the cards, and the calls cost 10 p per milt(每单位时间), the same as any other payphone call.

  You can buy them in units of 10, 20, 40, 100 or 200.

  2. Now appearing in a shop near you.

  Near each Cardphone place you'll find a shop where you can buy one. They're at bus, train and city tube(地铁) stations.

  At many universities, hospitals and clubs, restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centers.

  At airports and seaports.

  3. No more broken payphones

  Most broken payphones are like that because they've been vandalized(破坏了的). There are no coins in Cardphone to excite thieves' interest in it. So you're not probably to find a vandalized one.
