



  You visitors : Now to the tour is "the first famous Taihu Lake," said the Herons at Yuantouzhu.它距无锡市区18公里,是无锡境内太湖西北岸的一个半岛,因有巨石突入湖中,状如浮重翘首而得名。 Green Herons at Yuantouzhu is the best attractions in Wuxi, a famous writer Guo Moruo had "absolutely excellent Taihu, after all, the first in the province," the poem praise and described a heavy first-timers wistful mood. Tourists : Herons at Yuantouzhu to the way, let me first to introduce them Taihu.

  【Taihu Overview - folklore-causes and natural resources --Taihu located in the Yangtze River Delta, the Trans - Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces, is China's third largest freshwater lake, lake area of 2427.8 square kilometers, excluding the middle of the lake 51 islands, the actual area of lakes 2338. L square kilometers, is known as "the 36,000 hectare", 68 km long from north to south, with an elevation of three meters, with an average depth of about two meters. Lake and Lake in the mountains of Taiwan Island, called "72-feng," Herons at Yuantouzhu particular, the three mountains, Dongting things most famous mountains. Lake remains a lot of heritage, culture is the birthplace of Yue.

  The origins of the Taihu Lake, a number of people saying : legend a long time ago, the Queen Mother Santiago, located in the temple big white peach banquet, and the Jade Emperor fate four sent a birthday present King Kong is a big Silver containing 72 large emerald, with appearances also etched into history and the colors fly bird beast, as a cornucopia, the presence of various sides of the immortals of praise. It hosted a dinner at the Queen Mother never requested Monkey, Monkey King was on this big trouble. When he saw mastic send this big Tomb, a wand overturned, Silver plunges down through the air and crashed onto the ground into a hole, the Silver immediately became of the water. The lake from the sky to fall, "Heaven" on the word of a cross fell below 10%, is "too much", so this lake named "Taihu Lake." Jade and 72 points scattered in Taihu Lake, into a 72-feng. Originally Silver is round, the Monkey King hit a wand, it is not a round of Taihu reasons.

  Tourists : Taihu legend, the people daydream. In fact, the Taihu Lake was originally a large bay, about 5,000 years ago, here crustal subsidence, the eastern part of the continuous deposition of sediment, resulting in the Yangtze River Delta extended eastward, the western depressions have formed Yanbo Hao-sen's Taihu Lake. However, folklore added to the Taihu mystique.

  Taihu Lake for the third largest freshwater lake in China, and the natural conditions favorable mild climate and sufficient rainfall, abundant natural resources, as many as 30 varieties of aquatic variety. With Whitebait, water, the most famous of Palemon Modestus. Plants are deeply in love guests, such as Lotus, Ling Bai. Cress, medicine and canola has become a taste of "green" delicacies.


  You tourists : We drive along the Po sector bridge, entered the filling Hill (also known as South Mountain calf). Highlights of money on the Southern end of Shanxi calf, see Yamagata into the Taihu Lake water, three facing water, like a huge sea turtle first extended surface. This is the Herons at Yuantouzhu. Herons at Yuantouzhu exclusive terrain, the distance here in Taihu Lake, Mount Xiandao three floating wave, as in Wonderland general, could be approved. Therefore, in the Ming Dynasty, long known as the "Shangri-La", the rich people but in the countryside.

  Herons at Yuantouzhu construction on the history, it may be recalled that in 1918. At that time, Yang Hansheng here in the West bought 60 acres of mountain land, Herons at Yuantouzhu to conduct the initial development, construction of the imperial palace garden imitation of the "Wang-Villa." The 1920s began with the construction of the Wang as "Taihu Lake Villa," the statement CHEN "If po," Boonsong Hill "Zheng garden," Dr series of villas and five Cai chien's "retreat cottage." After the founding of the Planning gradually built Herons at Yuantouzhu integrity of the park. The area is 500 hectares. Filling a hidden-Hill, Wu Naturally, the ten-fang Drive, 10000 rolling snow, deer top Yinghui, the province islet Chuntao, the Jiangnan Uni Taihu Xiandao dozen landscape, with the outlook.

  【Filling Hidden Hill--Nie Er Ting-deer top Yinghui - Shu days ko-Fan Li Tong-West Lake pool-Sino-Japanese friendship forest cherry-Uni -- Jiangnan

  You visitors : people's doors, we have officially entered the Herons at Yuantouzhu node. First visited the "empowerment Hidden Hill Show" spots. Filling Hill Implicit in charge-the highest mountain top Deer Hill to the south-east, the original Garden of the Chen's location. Chen Garden, also called "If po," 1928 National Wuxi local businesses built CHEN statement. Construction began in 1984, "full of hidden Hill Show" spots. Planting a variety of plants, divided into spring, summer shade Autumn, winter four areas. With an area of 13.3 hectares.

  Skytrain stations along the stony path upward, to the region in spring, we see the fountain called "Green Lake", which uses terrain, in the way of maneuvering among valley. Riverside soil piled up mountains of the artificial trees, peach, Plum, magnolia, azalea, and other flower Rose Penny, Liu, camphor trees and other trees. In Lake on the surface, one has been set up with two bridges, straight bridge "across the Green" bridges "pandering to the Green." Riverside two floors of tea for visitors to rest in the upper "side floor drunk" and the lower "spring seat." While the House pavilion, called "Family Tradition." We bypassed the "lonesome wind" kiosk, across the "Green pandering" bridges, we can see where a hillside Shang a hexagonal "Zhuting." Six pillars modeled on the shape of bamboo, very lifelike. Because of the "000" shaped like bamboo leaves, Citing named "000 booths."
